Friday, September 10, 2010

Report From RIOC President Leslie Torres To Roosevelt Island Residents - Tram Opening 10/5, Retail Master Leaseholder RFP Issued & Other RI Issues

Image of RIOC President Leslie Torres

RIOC President Lesie Torres sends the following report to Roosevelt Island residents.
The beginning of the school year signals the end of summer vacations and often a more leisurely pace. I hope you all had an enjoyable summer, despite record heat. The Jewish New Year coincides with the first week of school in New York, and I wish the Jewish community l’shana tova. There is much to celebrate on Roosevelt Island. RIOC staffers have been hard at work, making sure that our community is ready for the quickened pace set by back to school and back to work schedules. In addition to our continued progress on major infra-structure projects, I am pleased to announce a fall schedule full of activities and fun. Sportspark too has been refurbished, and has a schedule of activities. Try them now and enjoy them, particularly when the weather turns crisp and the thermometer plunges. See the sections on Community Events and Sportspark Activities below.

Major Projects Underway:
Tram Opening – We are on schedule to open the north lane is on October 5th, and the south lane on October 16th. The stations design has been finalized and approved by the RIOC Board at its special meeting on August 4. The majority of construction work for the stations will be performed after the opening of the Tram. Construction work will be, to the best of our ability, coordinated with non-peak Tram schedules, minimizing travel disruptions.

Retail Master Lease – The Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued on September 1’st with responses due from proposers on October 13th.

FDR Memorial – Phase I construction is on schedule, and construction of phase IIA has started ahead of expectations. The first major granite delivery is expected to begin in mid-September.

Southpoint Open Space (Green Rooms Wild Gardens) – The initial opening of paths only is expected in the fall. After fall plantings, full opening is expected in Spring 2011.

Other Projects in Progress:
AVAC – The façade work has been completed. Installation of new compacters is in progress.

Island Security Camera System – Phase I (installation of cameras from Motorgate to 504 Main Street) is to be completed by the end of this month. Phase II (from 504 to Southpoint Park) discussions are in progress.

Motorgate Roof Waterproofing & Stairwells – The project is about 60% finished with estimated completion at the end of November.

Helix (Bridge Ramp) Engineering Investigation – As previously reported the preliminary report from LiRo Engineering shows that the helix surface does not have serious structural damage. We are anticipating a full report shortly.

Approved Projects to be started this Fall:
Good Shepherd Plaza – Restoration of the Plaza and alleviation of drainage problems was expected to start Oct 3rd. After meeting with the contractor who was the successful bidder, it became evident that the work could not be completed before winter, when it would have to halt due to weather and resumed in the spring. To minimize disruption, it has been decided to postpone the beginning of the project to spring 2011, in order to complete the work from start to finish.

Good Shepherd HVAC – Full system replacement. Demolition of the old system has been completed and shop drawings are being prepared for approval. Project completion is estimated for the end of November.

Projects in Design & in RFP Stages:
Octagon Field Landscaping – The new soccer field re-opened on August 26th, to great community acclaim. A report on the Grand Opening event appears below. Photographs are available on the RIOC website at A Request for Proposals to replace trees along the west side of the soccer field has been issued and responses are due September 20th. We hope to start work later this fall.

Good Shepherd Roof Replacement – a Request for Proposals from qualified architects to provide plans and specifications for the roofing replacement is due September 14th. The replacement work will be scheduled to start in spring 2011.

Blackwell House Interior Renovation and Disabled Accessible Ramp – Proposals are being reviewed. Because some funding is being provided by New York City, a VENDEX check (City system to verify contractors’ bona fides) is required. Once the lengthy City approval process is completed, the project is expected to require a six (6) month duration.

Sportspark Activities – Sportspark Activities have been expanded. Please see the RIOC website for expanded pool, ping-pong and basketball hours.

Pool Schedule ($5 fee per adult, $3 for kids 3-17 and free for Seniors):
• Master Swim- Monday and Friday from 7:30pm to 8:30pm
• Senior Water Aerobics- Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 10pm
• Adult Water Aerobics- Sunday from noon to 1pm
• Adult Learn to Swim- Sunday from 1pm to 3pm

Ping Pong (No charge):
• Free Play- Tuesday and Friday from 6pm to 9pm
• Classes- Wednesday from 6pm to 9pm

Basketball (No charge):
• Open recreation on Saturdays (two sessions)- 10am to 1pm; 2pm to 6pm

Recent Community Events:
The Bike – Sharing Demonstration was held on Tuesday, August 24th. The free demonstration, allowing bikes to be picked up and returned at the solar powered demonstration station, was sponsored by B-Cycle, a company specializing in Bike Sharing installations in cities and campuses around the USA. Don’t miss the opportunity of taking a bike sharing survey at our website – Photos of intrepid residents and visitors, braving the elements while testing the bike sharing concept, can be found on the RIOC website as well.

Soccer Night – On August 26, at 7 P.M. The Roosevelt Island community celebrated the re-opening of the newly refurbished soccer field at Octagon Park. The opening party included free clinics provided by the “Red Bulls” a major league New York soccer team. To view pictures from the event, please visit Evening use of the field under the lights began on Tuesday, September 7th. For scheduled use of the field, please contact Donna Masly at (212) 8322 4563, for a RIOC permit which includes the use of lights for evening scheduled uses. The field is open for free play when not in use by a permit holder.

Upcoming Events:
Hispanic Heritage Month – Will be celebrated on Sept. 18th at 2 pm on Meditation Steps. The Willie Viallegas Entre Amigos Band will perform Latin music and provide a history of its development.
Run For Congo - a 5K run held annually on Roosevelt Island, is scheduled for September 25 at 9am. For signup information, please visit

Fall for Arts – Annual Arts, Food and Fun Festival will be celebrated October 2nd, in Blackwell Park and Rivercross Open Space.

From the RIOC Archives - On October 25th at Sportspark, a panel discussion co-sponsored with the Roosevelt Island Historical Society will be held, exploring some of the materials from the RIOC Archives.

Roosevelt Island’s Annual Halloween Parade – On Saturday, October 30th, in partnership with Urban America, the parade of ghosts, goblins and assorted Halloween fiends (oops, friends!) begins at Blackwell House at 12 P.M. and continues to PS 217. Everyone is encouraged to come dressed in a Halloween costume. More fun and festivities are planned for immediately after the parade at Capobianco Field. In the event of rain, festivities will be held inside PS 217.
A version of the RIOC President's column also appears in the September 11, 2010 Main Street WIRE.