Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Roosevelt Island Resident Red Strider Is Stepping Out With American Diabetes Association And Walking To Help Fight Diabetes - Will You Help Too?

You Tube Video of Step Out - Walk To Fight Diabetes

Received the following message from Roosevelt Island resident Michael Grech who is participating in the American Diabetes Association October 24 Step Out fundraising walk to stop Diabetes. From Mr. Grech:
Hello Friends and Neighbors,

This fall I will be joining more than 100,000 fellow walkers from across the country in this year's Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes to raise money for the American Diabetes Association. After having been diagnosed myself with type 11 diabetes with the last year, I hope the event on October 24th will be my first of many walks.

I am asking for your help. by making a donation on my behalf, you'll be helping the American Diabetes Association provide community-based education programs, protect the rights of people with diabetes, and fund critical research for a cure.

Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors appear to play roles. There are 23.6 million Americans living with diabetes, a disease that is oupacing heart disease and cancer. If current trends continue, one in three children born today will develop diabetes in their lifetime.

I believe that my participation in this year's Step Out: the Walk to Fight Diabetes can and will make a difference. Step Out: the Walk to Fight Diabetes is one of the American Diabetes Association biggest fundraisers. With the help of people like you, the American Diabetes Association hopes this event will raise over $20 million to help stop diabetes.

Please help me reach my goal by sponsoring me in this year's Step Out :Walk to Fight Diabetes. To make a contribution or sign-up to walk online please follow these easy steps.
  1. Go to
  2. Under "Find a Step Out Event", enter your zip code in the search box and click on "search"
  3. On the next page where you see your zip code entered again, click on "search"
  4. Click on the events for New York City, 10/24/2010
  5. Click on "Sponsor a Walker" (near top of page)
  6. Under "Search for Participant" enter (first name) "Michael" and (last name) "Grech". then click on "Find a Walker"
  7. Click on the link reading "Grech, Michael"
  8. Click on the applicable link(s) to sponsor [donate] and/or walk with me
For your convenience, I will also be accepting donations personally to be turned in on the day of the event. All donations are tax-deductible. Please make checks payable to the American Diabetes Association. I will be happy to personally pick up donations from you. You can reach me at 9178173746.

Nowadays, most of us either know someone who suffers from diabetes, or worse yet, knew someone who is no longer with us because of this terrible disease. Even you you're not able to contribute financially, you can still support this worthwhile cause by signing up to walk and/or solicit contributions from others.

Thanks for you time and support.

Mike Grech
Here's some more information on the October 24 American Diabetes Association New York City Step Out fundraising walk and a direct link to Mr. Grech's Step Out Team First web page.