Thursday, September 9, 2010

Roosevelt Island Marlins Holding Swimming Tryouts This Saturday - But No More Water Polo At Sportspark

The Roosevelt Island Marlins swimming team will be holding tryouts this Saturday, September 11 at two locations - the Sportspark (250 Main Street) at 9:30 AM and Westview (595 Main Street) at 12 PM.

Here are some facts from the Marlins:

  • This is our 6th season
  • Swim Team - kids 7-20 yrs old
  • Learn to Swim 4 yrs & up;
  • part of Learn to Swim (same Westview pool): Toddlers & Babies (adult must be in water during class) - they don't need try-out :)
  • all info at our web site: schedule, tuition, registration forms, phone #.....
On another Roosevelt Island swimming matter, a reader recently sent in a question asking about Water Polo on Roosevelt Island.
I read in the Daily News about water polo being played on the Island. I was looking for some information about playing. Would you know who I should contact?
I recalled that the Roosevelt Island Marlins tried to organize a Water Polo team at the Sportspark Pool. I asked RIOC's Park & Recreation Manager Michael Smith:
I received a question whether Water Polo is still being offered at Sportspark.

Do you know if it is or not and if not, will Water Polo be returning to Sportspark?
Mr Smith responded:
Due to poor attendance water Polo is no longer being offered. Instead we are offering Adult Learn to Swim for two hours every Sunday, Water Aerobics 2 days for the seniors and 1 day for Adults, Master Swim classes also 2 days per week.
For any potential Water Polo players out there, below is an excerpt from the movie Below The Surface which tells the story of:
NYC boy Wolf Wigo aspires to become a member of the USA Olympic water polo team, overcomes the geographical and health obstacles until through training and determination he makes his dream come true 10 years later. Through Wolf's story viewers
are treated to a rare celebration of this exciting and rigorous sport played for the love of the game alone in the USA since it's not a professional sport here....