Roosevelt Island Tram Delayed Again, New Date Early November - But At Least No Water Damage To Second Tram Cabin
The projected late August/early September 2010 date for the Roosevelt Island Tram's return of service has long ago come and gone. But what of the previous latest announced back up date of October 5 for the return of at least one Tram Cabin to service? I've been hearing talk for a while now that this too was not to be so I went to the source and yesterday inquired of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) VP of Operations Fernanado Martinez:
Any update of Roosevelt Island Tram resumption of service?Mr. Fernandez replied:
I understand that the return date may have been pushed back to the end of October. Is that true?
If so, why?
We are planning to return the Tram back to passenger service in early November. I met with the project team and we took a realistic look at the schedule and the amount of work to complete. We feel comfortable with early November.The Tram Modernization contractor, Leitner - Poma was contractually obligated to have the Tram operational by September 1 and agreed to incur financial penalties if it did not do so. As former RIOC President Steve Shane stated in this post:
.. POMA is contractually obligated to deliver the system and would be penalized with daily penalties as liquidated damages for late delivery in accordance with the terms of the contract...Of course, at this point financial considerations are of little importance when balanced against the safety and proper operation of the new Roosevelt Island Tram, but any leverage gained from Poma's failure to complete the Tram Modernization on time as contractually agreed should be used by RIOC.
Also, I received a tip from Lucinda last night that the second Tram Cabin arrived on Roosevelt Island joining it's twin which arrived last week. Lucinda tweeted:
roosevelt island - tram arrived around midnight! now there are two.
Roosevelt Island Historical Society President Judy Berdy sent in these recent images of work being done at the Roosevelt Island Tram Station.
Ms. Berdy also forwards this 1976 picture of the old Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Station (notice the original staircase?)

and a memo from the VSL Corportation stating that the fare was only 50 cents at the time.

Not 50 cents any more but at least the MTA Metro card is accepted.
UPDATE 7:45 PM: Ms. Berdy shows the Tram cabin
popping out of theirs crates.
More pictures from Ms. Berdy here.