Approval of Main Street Master Leaseholder Among Agenda Items For May 18 Meeting of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors Meeting - Shock and Awe Us With Some Good Stores Hudson/Related

As reported in this previous post from the April 2011 Meeting of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors:
Hudson Related just named as Roosevelt island Main Street Retail Master Leaseholder at RIOC Board of Directors Meeting.RIOC will be holding it's May 2011 Board of Directors meeting on Wednesday May 18 starting at 5:30 PM. and among the items on the Agenda is:
More details to come.
UPDATE - 11:10 PM - The Wall Street Journal reports that RIOC:
... intends to award a 30-year lease on the state's approximately 100,000 square feet of retail to the team of Hudson Cos. and Related Cos., which would share income with the state agency....and:
... Hudson-Related would guarantee the state agency the existing revenue it collects from the property—about $900,000—and the developers would split additional income with the state, people involved in the deal said. The team would also put new money in to modernize the retail.and:
"We're gonna do shock and awe," said David Kramer, principal at Hudson. "The retail space hasn't gotten the time and the attention and investment it needs."...
... Thank you Mr. Kalkin for your hard work.
Now, hopefully, please, Roosevelt Island's Main Street retail corridor may sometime soon no longer look like East Berlin before the fall of the Wall or a replica of a dreary, depressing street in the former Soviet Union. It's up to you David Kramer and Hudson Related. Don't let us down.
2. Authorization to Enter into Master Sublease Agreement for Main Street Retail Space with Hudson/Related RealtyThe decrepit state of Roosevelt Island's Main Street Retail corridor may soon be over with RIOC's removal and replacement by an experienced private sector retail developer to control Main Street retail development. As soon as more details are available concerning Hudson/Related's plan for Main Street Retail, they will be posted on blog.
The May RIOC Board meeting is being held at the Manhattan Park Community Center instead of the Good Shepherd Community Center.
Prior to the start of the Board meeting there is a period of time for members of the community to comment and ask questions of the Board Members. According to RIOC:
A 30-45 minute public comment period wherein those who sought to address the Board would have pre-registered, with time for any speaker limited to two (2) minutes. Pre-registration would be accomplished by addressing RIOC at its web site or in person at RIOC's office prior to the day of the meeting. Public comment should be for the purpose of receiving comment, not to engage in debate or colloquy with board members. The Chair would control the time and limit for each speaker.Note that RIOC requires a member of the public to sign up at least a day before the meeting in order to be recognized to speak during the public comment period. So, if you have questions or statements regarding anything concerning Roosevelt Island - the Mains Street Master Leaseholder, Red Bus, Main Street, Coler Goldwater Plans, Tram Operations, Parks, Dog Poop, anything at all - make sure to sign up here.
By scheduling the public comment period as above, the town hall style session following alternate Board meetings should be obviated. The RIRA meetings now held the evenings before each Board could function as the equivalent of a town hall meeting, with Board members attending as they wish, but with the expectation that a senior RIOC staff person would also attend to answer questions on Agenda items.
Below is the May 18, 2010 RIOC Board of Directors Agenda:
AGENDAA web cast of the RIOC Board Meeting well be made available a few days after the meeting.
MAY 18, 2011
5:30 P.M.1
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
1. April 6, 2011 Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
1. President's Report
2. Authorization to Enter into Master Sublease Agreement for Main Street Retail Space with Hudson/Related Realty LLC (Board Action Required-Materials to Follow)
3. Authorization to Enter Into Contract with Steve DeSisto General Contractors, Inc. for Resetting of Z-Brick Pavers (Board Action Required)
4. Authorization to Enter Into Contract with Quintal Construction, LLC for Pothole Repairs (Board Action Required)
5. Authorization to Enter Into Contract with SASCO Builders, Inc. for Retaining Wall Construction at Capobianco Park(Board Action Required)
6. Authorization to Enter Into Contract for Tram Station Restroom Renovation (Board Action Required-Materials to Follow)
7. Authorization to Enter Into Contract for Sidewalk Construction and Bus Stop Relocation (Board Action Required-Materials to Follow)
8. Authorization to Enter Into Amendment of Contract with Saratoga Associates in Connection with Blackwell House Interior Restoration Project (Board Action Required)
9. Authorization to Enter Into Contract with CNA Enterprises, Inc. for the Good Shepherd Community Center Plaza Restoration Project (Board Action Required)
10. Presentation of the FY 2010-2011 QTR 4 Procurement Report
11. Committee Reports
a. Audit Committee
b. Governance Committee
c. Operations Advisory Committee
d. Real Estate Development Advisory Committee
12. Public Safety Report
VI. Adjournment
1 The RIOC Board Meeting will commence following a public comment period, which is not a part of the RIOC Board Meeting.
UPDATE 5/20 - More here.