Roosevelt Island Street Art At The Castle - Resident Photo Blogger Olya Presents The Reggae Rat
Olya's Urban Journal is an excellent photo blog with a unique perspective created by Roosevelt Island resident Olya Turcihin. Ms. Turcihin shares this image she found of Roosevelt Island street art
and reports:
A friend pointed out this street art rat - right here on Roosevelt IslandI asked Ms. Turcihin where she found the Roosevelt Island Rat street art and she told me it was at Castle Park. I had no idea where or what was Roosevelt Island Castle Park. Ms. Turcihin filled me in:
I have been listening to UB40's "Rat in the Kitchen" everyday for a few days now - here it is .... enjoy! !
Castle park is the park on the west side of the island that is flanked by southern end of eastwood, the basketball courts, and blackwell house ... there used to be a structure there that looked like a castle and then they renovated the park with that plastic stuff...She also captured this example of Roosevelt Island street art at the former Castle Park.
We both wonder who is the artist?