Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Statements From RIOC Board Director Nominee Election Winners Kalkin, Polivy & Christian - Assembly Member Kellner Promises To Do All He Can To Ensure They Are Appointed To RIOC Board By Governor Cuomo

You Tube Video Of Counting The RIOC Board Director Nominee Election Vote

As reported earlier today. Roosevelt Island residents Jonathan Kalkin, Howard Polivy and Fay Christian were the three top vote getters in the February 7 RIOC Board of Director Nominee election.

I received the following statements from the winning candidates.

From Mr. Kalkin:
Roosevelt Island has proven again it can take on any challenge. I want to thank everyone who came out  to support our democracy. I'm eager to get back to work and I'm excited to help Roosevelt Island reach its potential as a place that not only leads the city, but the country as a center of reform and innovation. 
From Mr. Polivy,

and Ms. Christian:
I want to thank all the Island residents for coming out to vote and showing the Governor we care about our Island.  I hope this vote will lead to my reappointment so I can continue to serve on the Roosevelt  Island Operation Corporation Board of Directors. I extend my congratulations  to Jonathan and Howard and I thank all the other candidates for their participation.
Roosevelt Island Assembly Member Micah Kellner issued the following statement in support of the RIOC Board Nominee winners:
Once again, the Roosevelt Island Residents Association has shown their commitment to ensuring that Islanders be truly represented on the RIOC Board of Directors. After holding their third island-wide referendum to make clear the residents’ choices for filling three Board seats, the people have spoken.”

“I want to offer my congratulations to Jonathan Kalkin, Howard Polivy and Fay Christian for winning Tuesday’s election. All three individuals have a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to serving Roosevelt Island and will continue to make real contributions to the community. I will do all I can to ensure that they are reappointed by Governor Cuomo.
The ball is now in Governor Cuomo's court. We shall see if Governor Cuomo will respect Roosevelt Island democracy and appoint Mr. Kalkin to one of the three expired RIOC Board Director seats and reappoint Mr. Polivy and Ms. Christian to the RIOC Board seats they currently occupy.

UPDATE 2/9 - NYC Council Member Jessica Lappin adds:
First off, congrats to the winners. Now that the voters have spoken, I hope Governor Cuomo will respect their will in making his appointments.