BREAKING NEWS !!!!!! Results Are In For Roosevelt Island Board Of Director Nominees Election - Jonathan Kalkin With Most Votes, Howard Polivy Second and Fay Christian Third
Around 11:15 Tuesday evening, Ashton Barfield announced the winners of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Director Nominees elections. The winners and three highest vote getters were:
- Jonathan Kalkin 497 votes
- Howard Polivy 397 votes and
- Fay Christian 381
- Grace Bernstein 250 votes
- Gerald Lombardi 234 votes
- Dottie Jeffires 231 votes
- Lydia Tang 227 votes
- and Adrienne Grist 75 votes
Congratulations to the winners, appreciation to all the candidates and a great big thanks to the organizers of the election.
UPDATE 1:15 AM - Here is chart showing total votes and votes by buildings.
Click here to view a larger version of the chart.