Historical Preservationists Are Happy - RIOC Starting Work On Roosevelt Island's Good Shepherd Roof Replacement Returning It To Original Condition Using Slate Material
According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
Please be advised that work has commenced on the Roof Replacement project for the Good Shepherd Community Center. The scheduled work will include the replacement of the roof tiles, facade repairs and installation of a new drainage system. A fence will be installed around the plaza that will include an opening for access to the Community Center throughout the duration of the project. The project is estimated to be completed in 6 months.Also from RIOC:
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
Please be advised the Good Shepherd Community Center will be closed Tuesday, August 28th to Friday, August 31st due to an asbestos abatement. It will re-open on Saturday, September 1, 2012.As reported in this March 2012 post:
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
... the issue of the Roosevelt Island Good Shepherd Chapel roof repair is a balance between the cost of using slate to return the roof to its original condition, delighting historical preservationists, or a less expensive synthetic slate/asphalt material that some budget minded RIOC directors wish to consider....Preservationists are happy - the decision was made to repair the Good Shepherd Roof with slate.