Cornell NYC Tech Presents Update On Use Of Barges, Zoning, Open Space And Other Issues To Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Cornell/Technion Task Force - Here's Video Of What Happened
The Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Cornell Technion Task Force met last night. Here's video of what happened.
It began with a presentation by Cornell NYC Tech Director of Capital Projects and Planning Andrew Winters discussing the use of barges in the demolition of Goldwater Hospital and construction of Cornell campus. Here's what he had to say
followed by comments and questions from community members here
and here.
Will have more on the individual issues raised at last night's meeting in the coming days.
According to Roosevelt Island Community Coalition (RICC) Co-Chair (also President of Roosevelt Island Residents Association and Community Board 8 Member) Ellen Polivy:
Regarding the CB8 Cornell-Technion hearing. It was a great meeting. Great job each and every member of our community who participated. Thanks all of you for speaking and sending in your comments. Tonight we demonstrated the awesome power of a coordinated community. We were organized, focused and strong, a force to be taken seriously. The Roosevelt Island Community Coalition welcomes all community groups. Any group that wants to become a coalition member can send an email to Board Member Christine Delfico adds:
... information about how the public can comment follows but technically the deadline is "no later than 10 days after the Formal Hearing is held" by the lead agency and "no less than 30 days after a Notice of Completion has been issued". Therefore, sooner these are filed, the better. Ellen Polivy is also fine to cc so RICC has a copy and copying RICC at ricommunitycoalition@gmail.comAlso, if you submit comments regarding the Cornell NYC Tech project, please send a copy to Roosevelt Islander so it can be shared publicly with the community.
Jeff Escobar spoke with the Deputy Mayor's Office this morning, there are three ways to submit comments to the Draft EIS:
1. Via Mail to: Mayor's Office of Environmental Coordination, 100 Gold Street, 2nd Floor, New York, New York 10038
2. Via Email to:
3. Via the Webform at: .
In any correspondence, reference should be made to "Comments to Cornell NYC Tech DEIS."
If people wish to submit their comments electronically, they should do so via the email above and copy
The comments/issues raised re the DEIS will help shape what recommendations or requirements will be tagged on to the Task Force's resolution.
Community members can and should attend the Dec 4th hearing - good for CB8 to see public scrutiny/present so that they do not rush into judgment.
Tuesday, December 4th
CB8 Meeting
6:30 PM
Manhattan Park Theater Club
Public can listen but not participate and this meeting is important because CB8 talks through their decisions.
More information on Cornell NYC Tech project at this previous post.