Friday, March 15, 2013

Roosevelt Island Southtown Riverwalk Building 7 Construction Starting In June, New Tot Lot To Be Built On Nearby Blackwell Park Lawn - Ground Lease Payment For Building 7 Reduced From $32 To 28 Million

Hudson Related will start construction of Southtown Riverwalk Building 7 in June

Site Of New Southtown Building 7 Covers Northern Section Of Area By Shed/Tot Lot

which will require the removal of the existing children's Tot Lot.

The Southtown Tot Lot is used extensively by area parents who have been concerned about its future. During March 12 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Advisory Committee meeting (audio web cast here) Hudson Related representative Sara Willard sought permission from the RIOC Directors to move the existing Tot Lot a few yards east and north to a shady area on the Blackwell Park Lawn.

New Site Of Tot Lot In Blackwell Park

Ms Willard explained Hudson Related's plan for a new, slightly larger, Tot Lot open and available for use before construction of Building 7 begins and the closing of the existing Tot Lot.

The plan was approved by the RIOC Directors.

Ms. Willard noted that the Southtown Dog Run will not be re-located during construction of building 7.

Here's the discussion about moving the Tot Lot.

Also, the Southtown Building 7-9 Ground Lease amendment with Hudson Related was approved during the February 28 RIOC Board of Directors meeting. According to RIOC CFO Steve Chironis the ground lease payment from Hudson Related to RIOC  for building 7 was reduced from $32 million to $28 million. The terms for buildings 8-9 remained the same.

Here's video of Mr. Chironis explaining the Ground Lease amendment to the RIOC Board.