Friday, April 8, 2016

Gallery RIVAA & RIOC Celebrate Roosevelt Island Motorgate Garage Gallery Display Of Fall For Arts Festival Murals - Also, You're Invited To Gallery RIVAA Opening Reception For Visions Of Gaia Exhibition Saturday April 9

Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA will be hosting an opening reception Saturday evening June 9 for an exhibition titled Visions Of Gaia. You're invited. According to Gallery RIVAA:

Artists' depictions and metaphors of the ecological world

Anne Doris-Eisner, Oi Fortin, Frieda Howling, Greta Lood,
Lisie Orjuela, John Arabolos, Phillip Falcone, John Favret,
William Kent, Gus Moran, Mark Previtt.

Gallery RIVAA
527 Main Street, Roosevelt Island
New York City, NY 10044

Artists' Reception: Saturday, April 9, 5 to 8 PM

Curated by Johnes Ruta -

For more information.
Last Saturday, April 2, Gallery RIVAA and the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) celebrated the display of new murals from the 2015 Fall For Arts Festival at the Motorgate Gallery.

Image Of Artist Carol Tanjutco in Front Of Her Fall For Arts Mural At Motorgate Gallery

RIOC Community Relations Specialist Erica Spencer-El together with Gallery RIVAA's Tad Sudol welcomed visitors to the Motorgate Gallery and described how the Motorgate Gallery began. Mr Sudol said:
I think this is the only garage in entire New York who has displays of such big art work...

... It reminds me a little bit of National Gallery in Washington...

Mural artist Jeff Lee described his mural representing a Roosevelt Island:
... haunted by the good things in our past. The amount of care that the nurses and doctors and staff on this Island have given people over the years...
Image of Artist Jeff Lee In Front Of His Mural At Motorgate Gallery

and Julia Ferguson spoke about the mural created by her teenage daughter for the Garden Club.

Tad Sudol hoped for future Motorgate Gallery projects including displaying the old Tram Wheels currently stored nearby and eventual use of the old Tram Cabins as well.

Take a walk thru the Motorgate Gallery from Roosevelt Island Bridge entrance to the Atrium.

RIOC has more pictures at it's Facebook Page.