Monday, September 3, 2018

Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Bar & Grill Closing Confirms Landlord Hudson Related - Space Being Shown But No New Lease Signed Yet

Rumors have circulated for some time that the Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Bar & Grill

would be closing or changing ownership.

The Roosevelt Island Daily reported this past Saturday:
Sources tell The Daily that Riverwalk Bar & Grill, Roosevelt Island's most popular venue for food, drink, casual get togethers and business meetings, plans to shutdown operations as of the close of business on Monday, September 3rd, Labor Day.

Nothing official has been announced, but our sources say that the restaurant has been or is about to be taken over by new owners, and renovations are being planned that include eliminating the deli section....
I asked the restaurant's landlord, Hudson Related's David Kramer if:
... the Riverwalk Bar & Grill is closing on Monday and that new ownership is taking over the restaurant.
... Have you been informed and approved of the new ownership?...
Mr Kramer replied today:
Correct that they’re closing. We’re showing the space but haven’t finalized a lease with a tenant yet.
Riverwalk Bar & Grill opened in June 2009. I asked Riverwalk Bar & Grill

owners to comment but have not received a reply. Employees who were asked this weekend if the restaurant was closing on Monday said they had no idea and were not told anything by the owners.

UPDATE 9/4 -The Riverwalk Bar & Grill is closed for business as of today. This sign

was posted on the door of the restaurant

announcing it's closing.