Forgotten New York Tour of Roosevelt Island
Forgotten New York is a wonderful treasure trove of information about New York city neighborhood street scenes including Roosevelt Island. Here are highlights of a 2005 Forgotten New York tour of Roosevelt Island.
A different type of tour was reported in an article from The New York Times describing urban spelunkers:
Urban explorers, a highly disparate, loosely knit group, share an obsession with uncovering the hidden city that lies above and below the familiar one all around them. And especially during the summer, they are out in full force.Urban explorers have:
crawled, climbed and sometimes simply brazenly walked into countless train tunnels, abandoned subway stations, rotting factories, storm drains, towers, decaying hospitals and other shadowy remnants of the city’s infrastructure the authorities would rather he did not enter.One of the explorers, has visited Roosevelt Island and posted the above picture of view of Manhattan from Renwick Hospital Ruins at Southpoint Park.