Grocery Shopping on Roosevelt Island
Kensington Brooklyn blogger has been posting and readers commenting upon the the quality and variety of grocery shopping options in their neighborhood which I found very interesting as it pertains to Roosevelt Island. For a very long time our only grocery shopping option was Gristedes (I think an earlier and smaller version of the store was called Sloan's) and the Deli on Main Street. Then, a few years ago, Fresh Direct came into existence and I think that Roosevelt Island was one of their first test markets. Other options are the Food Emporium on First Avenue, the Trade Fair on 36th Avenue or Costco on Vernon B'lvd, both in Queens.
My preferences for quality of food, service and price has been for Fresh Direct and Food Emporium. Gristedes is used primarily for convenience due to being on Roosevelt Island although now that am living in Southtown, Food Emporium may be more convenient, particularly with monthly metro card. I have rarely gone into the Deli so I hesitate to offer an opinion on them but I do remember that during the blackout several years ago they were the only store open providing much needed supplies including water and there was no gouging at all. In fact, they were extremely helpful during that period. I have never shopped at either Trade Fair or Costco so cannot venture an opinion.