Monday, April 14, 2008

Pleasant Spring Weekend Afternoon on Roosevelt Island for Some, Most Depressing Place in the World to Others

Saturday was a beautiful day here on Roosevelt Island. The warm temperature and sunshine gave us our first hint of spring. The farmers market was crowded and Dominos Pizza from Jackson Avenue in Long Island City was there showing some customer appreciation. (Do they really deliver until 1 AM, even to Roosevelt Island?)

Roosevelt Island Cherry Trees are blossoming. A very nice day!

Blogger Frying Pan had a different Roosevelt Island weekend experience on Sunday afternoon.

I’m not generally one to knock a place but the BF and I took our Sunday Walk this afternoon to Roosevelt Island and, well, I’ve wanted to go for years and was looking forward to it but man is the place depressing.

...The worst though was when we turned down into the ‘main street’ and discovered a series of apartment complexes that would fit in with the sad desolation associated more with an English small town than a section of a New York City. Throw in a few zombies and you’ve got a street perfect for the Worlds Most Depressing Location. I realize that they were going for “modern” and some sort of pre planned integration of living space and retail space.. but it looks too bland, too pre fab and just the ultimate in what I would think would be a soul-crushing place to live.

Image from Frying Pan