Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Duane Reade Pink Paper Ribbons Help Raise Funds For Breast Cancer Research But More Help Is Needed For Other Forms Of Cancer

Did you notice the pink paper ribbons that were placed behind the cash register and on the glass window of the Roosevelt Island Duane Reade last month? They were part of Duane Reade's sponsorship of the Susan G. Komen Race For the Cure scheduled for Sunday, September 14. There is still time to register for the race and pledge here.

According to Komen NYC:

As part of Duane Reade’s commitment to health and wellness, the Company is selling $1 paper ribbon pinups in its 241 stores in the New York metropolitan area. The promotion raised over $90,000 to date, which will be donated in addition to a contribution of $80,000 through Duane Reade’s Charitable Foundation, to the Greater New York City Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure to underwrite New York area community-based breast health programs and national peer-reviewed research.
Good job by Duane Reade in raising awareness and funds for finding a cure for breast cancer. It is appreciated by everyone who has battled breast cancer and their friends and family as well.

Unfortunately, there are other types of cancer patients who do not benefit from this type of publicity, public awareness and resulting research or support services. For instance, a friend and Roosevelt Island resident was recently diagnosed with what is believed to be esophageal cancer and has had a difficult time getting information on the appropriate treatment. If any members of the Roosevelt Island community from Memorial Sloan Kettering, Cornell-Weill or any other medical institution have any thoughts or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.