Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Roosevelt Island Segway Officers Chase Down and Apprehend Suspects in Subway Robbery

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra reports that Roosevelt Island Segway officers chased down and captured two suspects in yesterday's subway robbery:

I just wanted to update you on the Robbery call we had yesterday. A Public Safety Officer was notified by two good Samaritans of a female robbed in the Roosevelt Island Subway Station. The PSD officer immediately conveyed the information received to all PSD officers on duty. A search was conducted and the subjects were spotted running from the station. Officers pursued both male subjects on foot and via the Segway, and they were apprehended by PSD officers with no further incident. Both subjects were turned over to NYPD Transit officers who processed the individuals for arrest.
No, this is not a picture of Roosevelt Island Public Safety officers apprehending suspected subway robbers on their Segways.

Image of Chinese Anti-Terror Police on Segway from Wired

But this is Roosevelt Island Segway officer on patrol
Image from RIOC

Good job by the Public Safety Department and officers involved!