Menacing On The New York City Subway and Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident Reports For December 2 -11
Here's a disturbing and all too real video of a subway passenger being harassed on the Q subway line in Flatbush Brooklyn via the Ditmas Park blog. There is no reason why this could not happen at anytime or anywhere in the subway system including the Roosevelt Island F Train.
The confrontation continues here.
RIOC has started to post the most current Daily and Monthly Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for December 2 - December 11 2008. Incidents included:
- Fire in the Main Street Flower Shop (12/3)
- Furniture moving noise complaint (12/2 or 3)
- Recanting of prior robbery complaint (12/4)
- Domestic choking dispute (12/4)
- Barking dog (12/5)
- Arson (12/6)
- RIOC Bus window shattered (12/6)
- Street Fighting (12/8)
- Duane Reade ATM investigation
- Fire in Eastwood (Roosevelt Landings) AVAC Chute (12/9) and
- Unsafe window frame and glass removal (12/11)
0700 hours 12/04/08 - 0700 hours 12/05/08
0700 hrs. Friday December 5th 2008 thru 0700 hrs Saturday December 6th 2008.
Barking Dog - Tenant reported to PSD an ongoing dog barking for about one week. PSD advised tenant to see Urban American Management. PSD Filed report.
Aided - Female tenant not feeling well, transported to the Hospital.
Found Property - RIOC Driver bus number 4 found prescription of medicine. Owner was notified and items returned.
Found Property - Tram Supervisor reported to PSD found black bag left behind. Property secured inside PSD.
12/6/08-7:00 AM to 12/7/08-7:00 AM
Criminal Mischief- Lobby door glass broken. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Arson- In building. A stack of papers burnt on the carpet. Search for the subject yielded negative results. PSD responded and FDNY. It was referred to the Fire Marshall.
Property Damage- Paint on an apt door damaged. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Alcohol/Open Container- Subject was warned and admonished by PSD.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- Broken window in building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Trespass- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD..
Criminal Mischief- Hallway mirror ripped off. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Criminal Mischief- Front window shattered to RIOC BUS. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Aided- Female fell on the sidewalk and refused EMS.
Aided- EMS responded to apt Tenant refused to allow PSD. entry and to provided information.
Past Fire- Insurance company adjusted responded to 568 Main Street to conduct an investigation.
Trespass/Open Container- 2 Subject arrested by PSD.
Trespass/Alcohol Open Container-4 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Public Urination- Subject arrested by PSD.
Harassment- Between 2 tenants over money. NYPD refused. No injuries.
Missing Property- Money missing from apt. NYPD refused.
12/7/08-7:00 AM to 12/8/08-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS. Investigation- Tenant reported mold in apt. UA notified.
Criminal Mischief- Slide door latch to roof door broken. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Aided- Intoxicated male fell and was unstable. EMS transported him to the Hospital.
Property Damage- Broken clamp on metal bar that held the RIOC Holiday Banner. The Banner was secured in PSD. RIOC personnel notified.
Aided/Handicapped Person- Coler Hospital patient in wheel chair inoperable and transported to the Hospital by RIOC Bus. Coler Hospital PD attended to patient.
Unsecured Vehicle- Driver's side door open. Central Parking provided owner's phone number and PSD notified the owner.
0700 hrs. Monday 12/8/08 to 0700 hrs. Tuesday 12/9/08
Investigation- Island resident reported an off Island incident in which she was threatened by a third party. She will go to precinct of occurrence.
Investigation- Report of a package mailed at the Post office and stated he later saw it in the hallway by his residence. He will check with the Post Office.
Verbal Dispute- Between a male and a female. No injuries. NYPD refused. Female left apt.
Violation of Court Order-Between father and mother of child over visitation of child. Matter referred to Family Court.
Disorderly Conduct- 2 Subjects fighting in the street arrested by PSD.
Complaint/Investigation- Tenant smelled odor of marijuana in the morning near his apt and reported the incident in the evening. NYPD refused. Search of the area conducted with negative results.
Investigation- Tenant alleged that a contractor took his citizens papers PSD responded and found papers underneath other papers in apt.
Criminal Mischief- On the first and fourth floor two windows were broken. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
0700 hrs. Tuesday 12/9/08 to 0700 hrs. Wednesday 12/10/08
Water Leak- In apt. PSD and UA responded. UA corrected the water leak.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Fire Investigation- In AVAC Chute. PSD and UA responded and no injuries. No property damage. It was extinguished by UA personnel. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Investigation-Victim stated suspicious female attempted to assist her with use of ATM machine in Duane Read. Assistance was refused. Outside female spit in her face. NYPD was refused. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Unsecured Property- A Fuel Power Box. UA Handyman responded and secured it.
EDP- Male threatened to commit suicide. EMS transported him to the Hospital. No injuries.
Unlawful Poss. of Marijuana/Loitering/Trespass/ Open Alcohol container- 2 subjects arrested by PSD.
EDP/Aided- Male with a history of mental condition was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Investigation- Female harassing a male resident asking for money. Female fled. Search for the female with negative results. NYPD refused.
Lost Property- Fur Coat and a pocket book. They belong to an Island resident and were returned to her.
False Alarm- In apt. PSD and Manhattan Park Super responded and no fire all in order. The alarm was shut off by the Super.
0700 hrs. Wednesday 12/10/08 to 0700 hrs. Thursday 12/11/08
Criminal Mischief- Broken window in the building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified. NYPD refused.
Vehicle Accident- Between a vehicle and a RIOC Bus. No injuries. EMS refused. NYPD prepared a report.
0700 hrs. 12/11/08 - 0700 hrs. 12/12/08
Harassment - Resident reported to PSD that another resident is harassing her because she has a small dog in her apt. Reporter will go to housing management.
Hazardous condition - PSD officer observed entire window frame and glass removed from hallway. No contractors or safety measures were present to prevent serious injury. Super was notified. Contractor returned to location and project manager was notified.
Trespass - PSD officers arrested (3) three subjects. All subjects were issued criminal court summonses and released.
Aided - Resident reported pain and was transported to hospital.