Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gun Shots Fired In Front Of Roosevelt Island's 2-4 River Road

Gun shot were fired early this morning in front of Roosevelt Island's 2-4 River Road, part of the Manhattan Park building complex. According to the Roosevelt Island 4/13-14 Daily Public Safety Incident Report:

Shots Fired- At 4:30 am an altercation between 2 males front of 2-4 River Road. One male pulled a fire arm and discharged the weapon, shattering the glass of 2-4 River Road. NYPD on scene. Individual apprehended. Fire arm recovered. No injuries.
Asked to provide additional information, RIOC President Steve Shane responded:
At approximately 4:30 AM on the morning of April 14, 2009, NYPD responded to a 911 call of shots fired at 2-4 River Road. The security guard placed the call.

There apparently had been 2 men arguing outside, one pulled a gun and fired 2 shots, one of which shattered the lobby door window.

NYPD apprehended the shooter and recovered the weapon. The other person involved fled the scene and remains at large.

There were no injuries.

Public Safety responded and assisted NYPD at the scene.
UPDATE - 4/15