Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Update To Roosevelt Island Shooting At 2-4 River Road

RIOC President sends the following update concerning the Tuesday morning (4:30 AM) shooting outside of Manhattan Park's 2-4 River Road.

Be advised that the apprehended person who fired the shots on Monday night/Tuesday morning has been released by NYPD. He established to their satisfaction that he was the victim of a setup/mugging from a location off Island and that he wrestled the weapon away from the other person involved in self defense, during which struggle the shots were fired and the window shattered.

Another example of why we all should not jump to conclusions.
In response to an inquiry whether this was a random incident Mr. Shane also added:
According to our information, unreliable as it may be, the individual became the object based on off Island activity and it was very specific to him.
Update - 4/16