Friday, April 17, 2009

Help Keep Roosevelt Island Clean And Pick Up Some Free Art Supplies

A reader sent in the following message seeking volunteers to help keep Roosevelt Island clean.

Clean-Up Group Meets Saturday 4-18 at 10 am at Kiosk

Join Teri Gendron and make our Island shine.

Let's get together this Saturday, April 18, for a clean-up event. We can
admire the spring blossoms and put away the trash.

Meet at the kiosk and then head down to South Park and work our way back
north. Gloves and trash bags will be provided.
Web Urbanist shows how some have turned trash into art:
The cliche is that “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” but the author of that phrase probably never realized how strangely true it could turn out to be. In today’s world of weird and amazing art some of the most compelling and creative works have been born out of the simplest and most abundant of materials: garbage....

You Tube Video of Trash Art

Any artists out there want to make use of some Roosevelt Island trash?