More Details On Shooting Incident at Roosevelt Island's 2-4 River Road
Another update on shooting incident at Roosevelt Island's 2-4 River Road from RIOC President Steve Shane:
You can tell your snide poster Barinthus that the person became the target of a setup when he was in a strip club off the Island, picked up a "lady" and returned with her to the Island where he was confronted by the lady's accomplice who pulled the gun, got into a struggle for possession of the weapon, shots were fired, the glass was shattered, the accomplice and the lady fled, NYPD arrived and took the vic into custody, along with the gun, and subsequently released him on the videotape evidence from the strip club and the security cameras at 2-4. Thus there was off Island activity which resulted in on Island gunshots. How could you make this stuff up? Why would Barinthus believe that I would?Mr. Shane was referring to the comment below from this post yesterday.
I did not lay all of this out because it was really not necessary. Need to know basis?
so this is an off the island incident in which a gunshot was fired in front of manhattan park? Please explain how off the island and on the island are overlapping here?