Monday, April 27, 2009

PS/IS 217 PTA International Dinner A Great Success!

PS/IS 217 PTA International Dinner Image from Isabel Perez- Cruz

The PTA of Roosevelt Island's PS/IS 217 held a fundraising event last Thursday featuring a buffet of international food cooked by the parents of children attending the school. Ms. Isabel Perez-Cruz, 3rd VP of the PTA updates us as to what happened.

The International Dinner organized by the PS 217 PTA was a tremendous SUCCESS! It was very well attended, we had over 100 guests!! People from our school (PS 217), the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA), The Senior Center, The Disabled Association, The Marlins team, Memorial Sloan Kettering, The WIRE, our Island dentist Dr Shick and many other Roosevelt Islanders came and enjoyed themselves. The big stars were the cooking parents: The food was amazing!! We had food from Norther Africa, Western Africa, East Europe, Pakistan, Portugal, Italy, Mexico, America, Japan and China. Parents participated with cooking, by baby-sitting for other parents during cooking or during the event, by buying tickets, by helping coordinate the event, etc. We had sponsorship from Nono's and Fuji East: both restaurants donated food for the event. Additionally, we received monetary sponsorships from Dr. Grim, the Roosevelt Island Cleaners, Trellis Restaurant and Urban American. Manhattan Park did not charge for the use of the Theatre and RIOC also gave great support. Many thanks to all our sponsors and volunteers!

Islanders came and eat, chatted and listened to the great Turtle Bay performers: a group of Colombian musicians that performed live and put an amazing show. Look at the link below to find some pictures taken of that day, since the preparation trough the party.

This will be an event that Islanders will wait for every year: a nice, relaxing and entertain dinner to meet the others, chat, have a good time and SUPPORT the arts and music programs and the teachers at our school! Thank you very much for your participation.
More pictures here.

Good job by all!