Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports 4/13 Thru 4/28 - Cat Attack, Abandoned Dog, Softball Field Permit Dispute & Seawall Jumper

You Tube Video of Cat Attack wss not Taken On Roosevelt Island

RIOC is posting the most current
Daily and March 2009 Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. Also, available is a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the month of March 2009.

Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for April 13 - April 28, 2009. Incidents include:
  • Food Odor (4/13)
  • Object Thrown From Building (4/14)
  • Suspicious Persons Looking Towards Sportspark pool (4/14)
  • Unsanitary Living Conditions (4/16)
  • Car Struck Bicyclist, left scene (4/16)
  • Unlicensed Food Vendors (4/17)
  • Abandoned Dog Outside Starbucks (4/20)
  • Person Attacked By Cat (4/24, 25)
  • Person Struck On Head with Softball at Ballfield (4/25)
  • Softball Field Permit Dispute (4/25)
  • Person Threatened To Jump Off Seawall
4/13/09-7:00 AM to 4/14/09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Gas Leak- From Stove. UA corrected the condition.
Foul Odor- In Subway. FDNY responded and determined odor was not toxic or flammable.
Lock Out- Tenant accidently locked herself out of apt. UA responded and provided access.

4/14/09-7:00 AM to 4/15/09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Reckless Endangerment- Objects thrown from building by youth. Search conducted with negative results. No injuries or property damage.
Missing Property- Plastic refill canister. All Muni Meters checked with negative results.
Suspicious Persons- 2 Males outside of Sports park looking inside towards the pool side. Search conducted with negative results. No property damage.
Attempted Shop Lifting- of various candy. Youth fled without items. Search made with negative results.

There's More!

4/15/09-7:00 AM to 4/16/09-7:00 AM
Verbal Dispute- Between two tenants. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Verbal Dispute- Thrift Store an employee and former island resident over use of store. No injuries and NYPD refused.
Lost Property- A wallet. Owner will file NYPD report and notify Dept of Social Security. Search made with negative results.
Criminal Mischief- Broken UA property. Youths escorted to PSD. But witnesses refused to ID youth. Youth were released to their parents. No charges made.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.

0700 hrs 04/16/09 - 0700 hrs 04/17/09
Aided - PSD responded with FDNY and NYPD to apartment for elderly male not feeling well. Aided reported high blood pressure and was transported to hospital.
Unsanitary Living Conditions - Tenant reported to PSD apartment was invaded and property missing. PSD officer responded and found apartment to be unsanitary. Case worker from Senior Center was notified.
Smoke Condition - PSD officer responded with FDNY for smoke condition. Tenant reported she extinguished it before FDNY arrival. No injuries or damages.
Motor Vehicle Accident/Leaving Scene - Victim reported to PSD that vehicle struck him while he was riding his bike. Victim stated that vehicle refused to stop, but was able to get plate number. NYPD responded and took report. EMS checked out victim, but refused transport.
Harassment - Tenant reports unknown subject keeps ringing door bell. PSD checked area with negative results.
Unlawful Poss. of Marijuana - PSD officer stopped subject for Poss. of Marijuana. Subject was taken to 114 pct. and issued summons.
Property Damage - Tenant reports male subject broke window while playing baseball. PSD took information for report.

0700 Friday April 17 th 2009 - 0700 Saturday April 18th 2009.
Aided - Porter while putting garbage out, suffered a cut to his left hand. Transported to Hospital.
Family Court - Father requested PSD to serve court papers to the mother of his child.
Unlicenced Vendor - PSD officers summonsed two unauthorized food vendors for no permit.
Theft of Service - Female boarded Tram on manhattan side without paying. PSD Officers advised her to pay fare. She agreed.
Verbal Dispute - Between Postal employee and a customer over debit card recording $100. taken for money order. A call made to the back corrected the condition.
Noise complaint - PSD responded to tenant who stated noise from next door apartment. PSD Officer spoke to the next door tenant. On going complaint was referred to management.
Arrest - PSD Officer observed male subject with an open container. Summonsed and released.
Arrest - PSD Officer observed male subject with an opened container and urinating in public. Summonsed and released.
Arrest - PSD Officer observed two male subjects rear of 900 main st parking lot with open container. Recovered Marijuana cigarette. Both summonsed and released.
Arrest - PSD Officer observed male subject with open container in public. Summonsed and released.
Arrest - PSD Officer observed two male subjects with open container, both underage. Summonsed and released.
Arrest - PSD Officer responded for noise complaint. Upon arrival noise was inside stairwell two male subjects were summonsed and released.
Aided - PSD Officer observed EMS. Female complaining of stomach pain. Transported to the hospital.

4/18-09-7:00 AM to 4/19/09-7:00 AM
Alcohol/ Open Container- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Trespass- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Alcohol/Open Container- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- 2 juveniles escorted to PSD and released to the custody of their parents.
U Turn Fail to produce for Hire Vehicle License- Summonses issued to the motorist.
Disorderly Conduct/Appear under the influence- Subject had an odor of Marijuana. When asked for identification he became disorderly. Subject arrested by PSD.
Alcohol/Open Container- 5 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Unsecured Door- Bike Room. UA notified and secured the door.
Petit larceny- Subject issued a Trespass Notice at Grestides Super market. Item recovered.
Disorderly Conduct- Subject yelling in Main Street and also yelling profanity at an officer. Subject arrested by PSD.
Trespass- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Noise Complaint- One neighbor complained against another. This is an on going complaint that has been previous reported to Urban American.

4/19/09-7:00 AM to 4/20/09-7:00 AM
Aided- Female fell in apt. EMS responded and lifted her up. No injuries and transport was refused.
Criminal Mischief- Unknown Subject kicked bathroom doors. Search for the subject yielded negative results. Doors were locked and secured. PSD conducted periodic checks of the area.
Missing Person- Youth. PSD responded. Search made with negative results.
Youth left after an argument with God Parent. NYPD responded and declared youth not missing. PSD continued to search for the youth.
Dispute- Between 2 adult males over the daughter of one of them. No injuries. NYPD refused. Dispute ceased.
Harassment- Subject pulled a female's jacket and was harassing her. No injuries. NYPD refused. Matter referred to PSD Anti Crime Unit.
Property Damage- Owner of vehicle stated she has a dent and scratches. She notified Central Parking. NYPD refused. She was referred to Court.
Trespass/ Disorderly Conduct- Subject arrested by PSD.

4/20/09-7:00 AM to 4/21/09-7:00 AM
Abandoned Dog- By Starbucks. Owner left dog unattended for 90 minutes. PSD responded and returned dog to the owner. Dog appeared to be in good health.
Investigation- Concerned neighbor thought neighbor was in the hospital and that her pets weren't being care for. PSD called the owner and found that the neighbor was home and attending to pets.
Property Damage- Broken glass vase in the patio. May have been caused by the wind. Owner did not see how it was damaged.
Water Leak- in building. UA responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Criminal Mischief/Reckless Endangerment- Rocks thrown at windows of a building. 2 Juvenile subjects escorted to PSD. Juvenile reports made and they were released to the custody of their guardians.
Criminal Mischief- Scratches on a vehicle. Owner to go to NYPD on her own and file a report for insurance purposes.
Aided/Intoxicated- Female fell in apt. EMS transported her to the hospital

0700 hrs 04/21/09 - 0700 hrs 04/22/09
Found Property - PSD officer found senior citizen's metro card. Owner retrieved card from PSD.
Aided - Aided entered PSD to report she was beaten by unknown male subject while visiting resident. Victim had no signs of injuries and was intoxicated. Resident stated aided fell and male subject tried to help her up, but aided became combative. Aided was transported to hospital.
Criminal Possession of Marijuana/Criminal Trespass - PSD officer observed two male subjects smoking marijuana cigarette in stairwell. Both subjects were taken to 114 pct for booking.

4/22/09-7:00 AM to 4/23/09-7:00 AM
Verbal Dispute- Between Group Home Counselor and resident. Caseworker responded and removed the resident. No injuries and NYPD refused.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Auto Accident- Between a Q 102 MTA Bus and a private vehicle. No injuries. NYPD and MTA Supervisor responded and filed reports.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS
Alarm- Boiler Pressure alarm sounded. FDNY responded and reset the alarm.

0700 hrs 04/23/09 - 0700 hrs 04/24/09
Alarm - PSD officer heard alarm coming from Riverwalk building. Boiler pressure appeared low. FDNY responded and silenced alarm.
Unsecured Apartment - Reported by Super. PSD officers responded and found person sleeping on the floor.
Person stated they were drinking night before and forgot to close door.
Urinating In Public - Male subject observed urinating in public. PSD officer issued summons.
Alcohol Open Container - PSD officer observed male subject drinking from open container. Subject was taken to PSD and issued summons.
Stuck Elevator - PSD received report of person stuck in elevator. Person was take out by super. Person refused medical attention. Elevator was placed out of service.
Unsecured Premises - PSD officers responded to unsecured premises. Search of area was conducted and found to be in order. Alarm was reset.

Friday April 24th 2009 - Saturday April 25th 2009

Harassment - NYPD and PSD Officers responded to a female tenant apartment who reported 19 yr old female in apartment threatened her.

Escort - Supervisor of group home requested male subject removed from group home. Male exit apartment. NYPD refused.

Aided - PSD Officer responded with FDNY to apartment tenant was having a stroke. Transported to hospital. Son secured apartment.

Missing Property - Female tenant reports PSD officer that her bicycle was missing from the bike room. Bike was found inside room under mother name.

Arrest - RIOC Bus driver reported vehicle obstructing traffic. PSD officer gave lawful order to move. Driver refused to move was summonsed for Un-licensed hack operator and for no trip sheet.

Court Papers - Male tenant requested PSD Officer to service papers to his wife. No answer at door at the time.

Malfunctioning Gate - PSD Officer reports gate at south point park not closing. RIOC Project manager on scene. Gate closed after 45 minutes.

Aided - PSD Officer responded to lobby. upon arrival female tenant stated was attacked by a cat and bleeding from both hands. EMS transported to hospital.

Arrest - PSD officers observed 3 three male subjects in vehicle of Hospital lot driving around creating loud noise. Vehicle stopped aroma of marihuana. Subjects summonsed and released.

0700 hrs 04/25/09 - 0700 hrs 04/26/09

Possession of Marijuana/Reckless Driving/ Trespassing - Four subjects arrested by PSD.

Aided - Female sustained scratches from her own cat. EMS transported aided to hospital.

Aided - Pregnant female has returned from hospital previous night and now felt ill, but refused EMS. PSD escorted to apartment.

Verbal Dispute - Over baseball field between softball league and Roosevelt Island Youth Center. PSD responded. Group with permit stayed. Other group left.

Aided - Child leg slipped through meditation steps and sustained scratches. Parent refused EMS. Cone placed on hole. Matter referred to RIOC.

Aided - Female struck on head with softball at baseball field. EMS responded and aided refused transport.

Aided - Elderly male fell. EMS responded and transport to hospital refused.

Missing Property - Bike missing from bike room. It may have been removed to another location by RY Management.

0700 hrs 04/26/09 - 0700 hrs 04/27/09

Unlawful possession of Marijuana - Three subjects arrested by PSD.

Alcohol/Open Container - Subject arrested by PSD.

Aided/EDP - Mother upset with daughter coming home various times. Mother threaten to jump off seawall. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.

07:00 AM 4/27/09 to 07:00 AM 4/28/09

Escort- Male adult of a group Home was escorted out of apt per request of Group Home Supervisor. It was completed without incident.

Investigation- NYPD investigating a report of a person jumping into the River rear of Costco. Search conducted with negative results.

Found Property- A Brown Handbag. It was secured in PSD.