Volunteers Needed To Help City Year In New York Clean Up Long Island City Dutch Kills Park
I received the following message concerning Roosevelt Island's Long Island City neighbors.
I work for City Year in New York. City Year is a non-profit organization that places teams of young people (17-24) in public schools around New York City, including PS 111, PS 112 and MS 204 in L.I.C. Our volunteer corps is comprised of 230 young people who have decided to spend a year working with children as tutors, mentors and role models in some of New York City's most underserved neighborhoods.
We are having a day of service at Dutch Kills Park this Saturday and are in need of volunteers to come out for the day. Volunteers should expect to do light landscaping, mural and playground painting and some light construction.
Below is a blurb that we posted on our blog. Feel free to edit. Attached is a one-pager about our organization.
This Saturday, May 2nd, City Year New York is having our 3rd Annual LICense to Serve Day in Long Island City, Queens. Dutch Kills Park will be the hub site for the day and the site of the opening ceremony. City Year will be working at Hour Children's “My Mother’s House”, painting murals and playground games,as well as performing gardening around the hub site. Families are encouraged to attend and children will be able to attend a Children's Carnival featuring games and other activities.
The opening ceremony will be at 9:30am with service projects running until 3:00PM.
Volunteers need to register prior to the event by contacting Nick Florest at (646)-247-7735
Perhaps City Year In New York volunteers can help out here on Roosevelt Island as well?