Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Octagon Water Shutdown On Thursday Due To Comfort Station and DEP Sewer Installation - Other Roosevelt Island Buildings May Experience Dirty Water

Image of Time To Drink Toilet Water from Slate

RIOC has issued the following No Water Advisory for the Octagon beginning Thursday, January 21 at 6 PM.
Please be advised, on Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 6 p.m. DEP will be shutting down the water main that supplies The Octagon Building. The shut down is necessary for the installation of the Octagon Comfort Station and DEP site sanitary sewer. The shut down will be from 6 p.m. to 12 a.m. The Octagon Building is the only building that will experience "No Water", all other buildings may experience dirty water when the main is turned back on.

We apologize for any inconvenience.