Thursday, January 21, 2010

Will There Still Be An Attendant At Manhattan Booth Of Roosevelt Island Tram Station Upon Completion Of Modernization Program? Maybe Not

Roosevelt Island Manhattan Tram Booth Station

I inquired of RIOC President Steve Shane:
Will a Tram Station Attendant still be in the Manhattan Station Booth during all hours of Operations when the new Tram System is in place?
Mr. Shane replied:
Not now clear whether there will continue to be an attendant in the booth on the Manhattan side. Since no cash is used in the turnstiles and the Metrocard machines are all entirely self operating, as the MTA has pushed, we have asked "what is the need?". We are contemplating security camera usage for any concerns about safety. Operational staffing remains to be finalized as the reality of real operations become available. Efficiencies are devoutly to be desired as part of the expected return on capital investment.