Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gristedes Keeping Promise To Rid Roosevelt Island Supermarket Of Outdated Items - Alternative Grocery Shopping Options Includes Angel Food Service

Roosevelt Island Gristedes Image From Roosevelt Island 360

An earlier post on Gristedes owner John Catsimatidis' promise to improve the quality of his Roosevelt Island Gristedes supermarket, included this:
... Every item in the store is being removed from the shelves and checked for quality and proper dates. This will be accomplished by the end of February...
It looks like they are doing so, at least if my experience last Monday night is any measure. As I was checking out with some items, including my favorite Heat Is On Peanut Butter, the cashier informed me that the expiration date of two of the Peanut Butter jars had expired and removed it from my bag.

That is a good first step and I hope Gristedes continues to remove outdated expired items from their shelves. Also, please restock soon more Heat Is On Peanut Butter and whatever favorite foods other Roosevelt Island residents may have. I am still waiting for the Ginger Beer.

Ginger Beer Image From Stewart's

Another grocery shopping alternative for Roosevelt Island residents besides Gristedes, web based Fresh Direct, Queens' Trade Fair and Costco and the Food Emporium in Manhattan, is the low cost Angel Food service sponsored by the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association. Once a month a menu is distributed for that month's items with a deadline for ordering and a pick up location here on Roosevelt Island. The February menu is located below and includes pricing as well as item information. Angel Food service is available to all regardless of income.
Click On Image To Enlarge February Angel Food Menu

More information on Roosevelt Island Angel Food service is available at earlier posts.