Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Riverwalk Resident Likes New Roosevelt Island Red Bus Route - Says Will Reduce Main Street Traffic & Provide Equitable Service For Southtown Residents

You Tube Video Of Prior Roosevelt Island Red Bus Route From Roosevelt Island 360

RIRA President Frank Farance and some other RIRA members are not happy with the new Red Bus Route. Mr. Farance discussed the Red Bus Routing issue in his March 12 report.

Roosevelt Island Riverwalk resident Steve Silverstein thinks the new Red Bus route is a good idea and has the following to say:
I am writing in favor of the new Red Bus southbound routing along East Road, now providing service to the front of the Southtown Riverwalk buildings. Prior to this routing change, the rest of Roosevelt Island has enjoyed bus service to the front of their residential buildings except for the Southtown Riverwalk buildings. Most RI residents view the Red Bus strictly as transit to/from the subway and the tram, but for Southtown Riverwalk residents it is currently used mainly for intra-island transit to Motorgate because we are the only area without a nearby parking facility.

Continuing the Red Bus service to the front of our buildings will reduce car traffic on Main Street since it enables drivers like me to conveniently bring packages back from Motorgate on the bus rather than driving up to deliver them and then returning to Motorgate. It will also facilitate shopping on an invigorated Main Street for larger or more numerous items by making it possible to ride them back on the Red Bus. Having the new bus stop and shelter at the Riverwalk Commons is also a welcome change during inclement weather. I am encouraged by the proposal to permanently route the Red Bus in front of our buildings, providing equitable service to Southtown residents and promoting intra-island transit and commerce, and I am writing to endorse that change.
I would also like to offer a reasonable compromise to service and safety issues on the Red Bus routing (when the tram construction is completed) - a compromise that is sensitive to Northtown and Octagon commuters:

Morning rush hour only routing could be modified (as is done now to bypass the Motorgate loop) to allow West Road bus service directly to the subway with roundabout at tram. A Public Safety officer or crossing guard could be posted if necessary at the subway during these limited hours, as necessary, to ensure safety. The balance of the day would provide East Road routing for greater safety plus enhanced service to Southtown residents.
More on Red Bus Routing from earlier posts.