Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Arrests 3 For Criminal Trespass, Disorderly Conduct & Harrassment
The 3/16-17 Roosevelt Island Public Safety Report included this incident:
Arrest/Criminal Trespass/Disorderly Conduct/Harassment- Three subjects arrested by PSD.Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra adds:
On Tuesday March 16, 2010 at approximately 8:15pm, PSD was contacted by a distraught female resident. She stated that while walking home from the subway, a male resident approached her and threatened her with physical violence. She further stated that the male told her "I'll kill you in your sleep." [Note: She has reported previous harassment by this individual.] A search was conducted by PSD members and the subject was apprehended (as he was still at the location where he threatened the female resident).Despite some complaints from time to time by Roosevelt Island residents about the Public Safety Department it's important to remember that they are here to protect and serve the community and it's good to know they are available when you need them as in this case.
While placing the subject in the Holding-room at PSD, another male resident entered our Headquarters and attempted to push his way into the Secured Area where the Holding-rooms are located. The Lieutenant on-duty requested that he leave the premises immediately, to which he refused, became combative and was placed into custody as well.
During this incident, PSD received a call of a dispute on the 4th floor hallway of 540 Main Street. The dispute was reportedly between two males. Moments later, a male then entered PSD bleeding from his left forearm and stated to the Sergeant on-duty that while arguing with the above victim's son, he became angry and punched the glass window on the 4th floor of building 540. He was then transported to the hospital. Upon his release, he was transported to the 114th PCT and processed for Criminal Mischief of the shattered window.
All three arrests were processed and confirmed by the ADA, who also arranged for the female victim to receive Orders of Protection against two of the males arrested.
More on the specific duties and responsibilities of the Public Safety Department here.