Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Roosevelt Island Rush Hour Red Bus Shuttle Service To Queens During Tram Shutdown Canceled For Lack Of Riders - Usage Statistics Confirm

New Roosevelt Island Red Bus Shuttle Schedule To Manhattan

As reported in this earlier Post, RIOC is canceling the weekday rush hour Red Bus Shuttle service to Queens subway stations that was put in place for use by residents during the six month Tram Shutdown as an alternative to the Roosevelt Island F Train because usage is extremely low. According to RIOC:
Due to lack of ridership, RIOC will discontinue its Red Shuttle bus service to Queens Plaza, effective April 1st. Bus riders wishing to go to Queens Plaza during the morning rush hour can take the Q102. Attached, is a bus schedule that reflects the service change
The Red Bus Shuttle to Manhattan will continue until at least the end of April. Below are Red Bus Shuttle Ridership statistics for March 1 - 16.
Red Shuttle Bus Service Usage March 1-16

RIOC VP of Operations Fernando Martinez reports that since March 16:
There are no significant changes to the bus ridership numbers.
Here is the audio webcast of the March 17 RIOC Operations committee meeting which discussed the Red Bus Shuttle ridership usage.