Credit Card Payments Now Accepted At Roosevelt Island's Motorgate Garage - Will Farmers Market Be Next?
A post from last December included a request from a reader for acceptance of credit card payments at Roosevelt Island's Motorgate Garage:
I recently parked at the garage and there is no sign posted that they do not accept credit cards. Not even on the entrance. I have never gone to a parking garage that did not accept credit cards. The only place to get cash out is Gristedes. I would like to see the garage accept credit cards...maybe you can help!Well reader, your good idea has now been implemented. RIOC President Steve Shane sent in the following message:
BTW, credit cards are now accepted at Motorgate.The next step is to get the vendors at the Roosevelt Island Saturday Farmers Market to accept credit or debit cards.
UPDATE 11 AM - The 4/1 -4/2 Public Safety Report advises that two vehicles were found to have car windows broken in the garage:
Criminal Mischief/Petit Larceny - PSD officer observed two vehicles with broken windows in parking garage. PSD conducted search with negative results. Items were taken from both vehicles. NYPD responded and made a police report.
UPDATE 4PM - A reader of this parking post has an interesting take on Motorgate Garage:
As a new resident (who only occasionally has a car), I didn't realize understand the parking issues voiced here and in other places. Come on, there's Motorgate! Then I used Motorgate. It all makes sense now.