Thursday, March 4, 2010

Urban Ninjas Return To Roosevelt Island For Parkour & Free Running Training

They're back. This earlier post introduced Roosevelt Island residents to the sport of Parkour or Free Running:

... Doing handstands down stairs, walking on the sides of walls, leaping over obstructions in a single bound! Have some form of Urban Ninjas or Navy Seals established a training camp here on Roosevelt Island? Maybe an audition for latest James Bond movie chase scene?

No, but the relatively new sport of Parkour has come to Roosevelt Island. What is Parkour?...
As explained by You Tube Video from bullettrun:
Urban Vanguard and Ryan Doyle train together in NYC on a cold, winter January afternoon at Roosevelt Island. Includes interviews and training footage from that day, and other occasions in NYC. Sha Mualimm-Ak and Ryan Doyle discuss their attitudes towards Parkour and training together.

According to American Parkour:
Parkour is the physical discipline of training to overcome any obstacle within one's path by adapting one's movements to the environment.
The main difference then between Parkour and Free Running is that Parkour is defined by purpose "get somewhere quickly and efficiently using the human body", and Free Running is defined by the activity or art of moving through your environment however you want, moving your way, following your own path.
Whatever it's called, it looks really cool.