Roosevelt Island Lights Going Out - Con Ed Working On Problem Says RIOC
There seems to be a problem with failing lights on Roosevelt Island. According to the 3/4-3/5 Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Report:
Hazardous Condition - PSD observed various lights out on RI. Con ED was on island and was advised. Con ED will make repairs. PSD officer was posted in area.and the 2/28 -3/1 Public Safety Report:
Hazardous Condition - Numerous lights out at Manhattan Park, West Seawall, and Blackwell House. RIOC notified.In response RIOC informs us that:
Please be advised Con Edison continues to work on the lighting outages throughout Roosevelt Island. Note this is a Con Edison issue and they are hopeful to restore most, if not all, of the lights by the end of the weekend.It didn't happen on Roosevelt Island but do you know what happened the Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia?
The Public Safety Department will be conducting additional patrols throughout the affected areas until the power is restored.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group