Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Having Problems Getting On Roosevelt Island Northbound Red Bus At Riverwalk Stop? Should Not Be Happening Says RIOC

Red Bus At Riverwalk Bar & Grill Stop

A reader has been having some problems with the Roosevelt Island Red Bus not picking up North bound riders at the Riverwalk Bar & Grill stop

Riders Waiting For Red Bus At Riverwalk Bar & Grill Stop

and asks:
Is it publicized somewhere that the red bus only drops off on our side and only picks up on the subway side? that seems silly to me. my toddlers and i often get on on our side (to ride bus to RIDN), but on occ the bus drivers tell me they aren't supposed to. i hope it goes back to the old way. i HATE the loss of all those parking spots because of red bus. it is really awful.
I inquired of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. (RIOC) VP of Operations Fernando Martinez:
Some Riverwalk residents have been told by the Red Bus Drivers on occasion that they can not get on the North Bound Bus at the Riverwalk Bar & Grill but must instead get on at the subway stop. I have been told that this does not always happen but it does happen enough to be of concern.

Is that true?

Thank you.
Mr. Martinez replied:
Thank you for bringing this concern to my attention. I will remind the drivers that passengers can absolutely get on the north-bound Red bus at the bar and grill bus stop.