Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Roosevelt Island Residents Association Common Council Meeting Tonight - Come Find Out What's Going On!

Image of October 2009 RIRA Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council will be meeting tonight at the Good Shepherd Community Center's Lower Level Room at 8 PM. The RIRA Common Council is composed of residents elected from each of the Roosevelt Island buildings. If you are interested in learning what's happening here on Roosevelt Island with the Tram, Red Bus, Parks, Housing, retail and other issues - Come On Down!

Prior to the start of the meeting there is an opportunity for the public to question and present any issues of concern to the Council.

Have not received the Agenda yet but will post if I do.

During the May 2010 RIRA Meeting, RIOC Director of Engineering Tom Turcic made a presentation on Good Shepherd Plaza renovation,

RIOC VP Of Planning and Inter-Governmental Affairs Rosina Abramson and Landscape architect Lee Weintraub made a presentation on Blackwell Park Master Plan,

a resident expressed displeasure with the Blackwell Park Master Plan

and RIOC President Steve Shane was there to answer questions.

There's always something interesting that comes out at RIRA meetings.

UPDATE 1:50 PM- Received the May 2010 RIRA Agenda:

Click On Agenda Image to Enlarge and View

6/3- The RIRA Planning Committee reported to the June RIRA Common Council Meeting the following in regard to RIOC's proposed Blackwell Park Master Plan:
Planning Committee Report – June 2, 2010

RIOC Vice President, Rosina Abramson, has made available an artist’s rendering by landscape architect, Lee Weintraub, which conforms to the RIRA Resolution vote on last January. We shared it with the Blackwell House sub- committee members for their consideration and comments. There being no substantive objections to the drawing, sub-committee chairs, Judy Berdy and I have sent the following comment to Ms. Abramson:

Blackwell Park Sub-Committee of the RIRA Planning Committee Response to the Recent Artists Rendering June 1, 2010

We have shared the Weintraub drawings with the sub-committee members along with a copy of the RIRA Resolution that codifies our expectations for the conceptual planning phase of Blackwell Park. We received no negative comments or requests for clarification or more information. Based on that, we believe that the rendering conforms to the general preferences of the participating community members. Of course, we understand that the conceptual plan encompasses only broad strokes and that the practical details will be found in the design elements to be considered next. Until we understand what those design elements are, where they will be placed and what they (and the entire project) will cost, our support may be construed only for the overall conceptual plan. We look forward to working with you to develop and cost-out those design elements.
Respectfully submitted, Matthew Katz, Chair