Tuesday, October 19, 2010

RIRA Presidential Candidate Schedule For Roosevelt Island Election - Farance Versus Katz But Still Room For More

 Matt Katz Campaigning at Roosevelt Island Farmers Market

The campaign for the Presidency of the Roosevelt Island Resident's Association (RIRA) has started. I am aware of two announced candidates so far - current RIRA President Frank Farance and challenger Mathew Katz, a former RIRA President and current Chair of the RIRA Planning Committee.

Mr. Katz sends in his upcoming campaign schedule:
FYI, here’s what I’ll be up to from now until Election Day:

I will be at the Farmers Market every Saturday and now have campaign stops scheduled from one end of the Island to the other:

1. Roosevelt Landings/Eastwood – Monday, October 18 @ 8 P.M. – Jim Luce’s apartment

2. Southtown – Tuesday, October 19 @ 7:30 P.M. – 455 MS Party Room

3. Island House/Westview – Wednesday, October 20 @ 8 P.M. – Westview Lower Community Room

4. Rivercross – Thursday, October 21 @ 8 P.M. – Community Room

5. Presidential Debate – Wednesday, October 27 @ 8 P.M. – Chapel

6. Octagon – Saturday, October 30 @ 3 P.M. – Home of Elle Erickson

7. Manhattan Park – Monday, November 1 @ 8 P.M. – Manhattan Park has, so far, insisted that I pay a fee to use their community room in 4 River Road. This is the only building complex requesting a fee for a community activity. We are in negotiations.

I expect to be heartily sick of the sound of my own voice by Election Day. Cheers,

Mr. Farance reports on his campaign plans:
Regarding a campaign schedule, I plan on going to the one's posted in the nominations forms: I'll be at all three candidates meetings (because that is where the public is meeting). I do plan on campaigning at the subway, farmers market, and other places ... but no particular schedule. If someone wants to invite me somewhere, then I'm happy to respond.

There will be a Presidential and Vice Presidential candidate's night on Wednesday, October 27 at the Good Shepherd Community Center.

There is still time for other candidates to get in the race. Nominations for RIRA President, Vice President and building delegates are open until October 24. RIRA nomination forms are available online here and at the Public Safety Office, the Public Library and many of the residential buildings. More information on the RIRA election available here.