RIRA Seeking Help At The Polls For Roosevelt Island Residents Association Elections & Announces Schedule For Communty Meeting Candidates
Can you help give a few hours for the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council election? RIRA Elections Chairperson Joyce Mincheff explains how you can help:
One day out of every 2 years, Roosevelt Islanders get to actually vote for the folks who express the community’s needs and opinions! You can make a meaningful contribution to this grass roots process by helping out at the polls on that day!! If you can devote an hour or more anywhere between 6 AM and 9 PM on Election Day, Nov 2, contact Joyce Mincheff, Election Chair at jmincheff@gmail.com or simply show up at:Also, Ms Mincheff provides the following schedule for RIRA Common Council Candidate Nights
Poll Workers’ Training
7 PM on Thursday, 10/21 Westview Community Room 625 Main St.
- Meet your Southtown Common Council Nominees - 405 Main St, Party Room, 7 PM, Tues, 10/26
- Meet Your WIRE Common Council Nominees - Good Shepherd Church @ 7 PM, Wed. 10/27
- Meet Your Manhattan Park & Octagon Common Council Nominees - 2-4 River Road, Comm. Room, 7 PM, Thurs. 10/28
- For All!! Good Shepherd Church 8 PM October 27th