Friday, October 22, 2010

Why Is That Giant Squirrel Eyeing The Roosevelt Island Tram? 2nd Tram Cabin In Station Undergoing Testing

Did anyone else see that giant squirrel towering over Upper East Side Manhattan buildings staring hungrily at the new Roosevelt Island Tram Cabin as it was making test runs over the East River this morning?

Or did you see the singing Knights of the Round Table taking a spin on the Roosevelt Island Tram?

Perhaps Spider Man looking for the Green Goblin?

You may have missed these wondrous sights but you can see these and other cool Roosevelt Island Tram pictures at Fark which is holding a Roosevelt Island Tram Photoshop contest. Go vote for your favorite.

Back to our world now with some more good news that the second Tram Cabin made it's way this morning to join

You Tube Video of Tram Cabin 2 Being Moved To Station from Vini Fortuna

it's twin at the Tram Station


and is now up on the track cable and taking test runs while undergoing emergency preparedness drills.


The new Tram Station doors for the North Cabin berth have also been installed.

An early November resumption of Roosevelt Island Tram service is still expected. RIOC President Leslie Torres latest Tram report stated:
Aerial Tramway Modernization – Engineering work is virtually completed. We’ve all seen the north cabin zipping back and forth as it undergoes extensive testing. The State Department of Labor and City Uniformed Services will be here soon to inspect the north side. Work hanging the cabin on the south side is about to commence. Once all the testing is completed and DOL signs off, we will have a fully operating system. Thank you for your patience as RIOC undertakes the steps necessary to assure a safe and efficient aerial tramway service.
UPDATE 3:45 PM - Both cabins in Tram Station.

UPDATE 4 PM - New Tram Cabins meet at last this morning.

Roosevelt Island Historical Society President Judy Berdy took these pictures of Roosevelt Island Emergency Rescue Drills earlier today.

More Roosevelt Island Emergency Rescue Drill pictures from Ms. Berdy here.