Thursday, October 21, 2010

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Candidate Nominees Listed - Presidential Candidate Katz Not Running For Westview Delegate - Still Time To Throw Hat In Ring

 Image of RIRA October 2010 Meeting

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Nominations Committee Chairperson Aaron Hamburger sends the following message:
Attached is the list of candidates as of 12 noon, Oct.20.

We now need at least 1 more candidate from Manhattan Park, 2 more from Roosevelt Landings, and 3 more from Octagon.
All other residential areas have full or over-filled slates.

I'll keep you informed as more Nomination Forms come in. Next time we check the Collection Box is Thursday afternoon. As you know, the deadline for Forms is Sunday night, Oct. 24, 8 PM.
It appears that as of now, Mathew Katz, who is challenging current RIRA President Frank Farance for that position, will not be seeking to retain his long held position as a Westview Common Council Delegate. Is it either RIRA President or nothing for Mr. Katz?

Mr. Katz is a thoughtful and valuable member of  RIRA so I hope he changes his mind regarding the Westview delegate position and will be a RIRA Council Member if he wins the election for President or not. I have asked Mr. Katz for a comment on this and will update if any new information is made available.

Below is a list of the RIRA Candidates supplied by Mr. Hamburger.

RIRA ELECTIONS – CANDIDATES (as of 12 noon, Oct. 20)

Frank Farance
Matthew Katz

Ellen Polivy


546 Main: 2 (# of positions - 2)
Dolores Green
Anthony Moran

Roosevelt Landings: 5 (# of positions - 7 )
Cynthia Ahn
Linda Maynard-Hall
Joyce Metcliff
Romano Reid
Lorraine Williams

Rivercross; 4 (# of positions – 3)
Marilyn Atkins
Sharon Pope
Ethel Romm
Don Semenza

Island House: 3 (# of positions – 3)
Helen Chvivas
Frank Farance
Russell Fields

Westview: 3 (# of positions – 3)
Erin Freely-Nahen
Sherie Helstien
Susan Marcus

2 River Rd.: 1 (# of positions – 1)
Steve Heller
4 River Rd.: 1 (# of positions – 1) Jim Bates

Manhattan Park:__7 (# of positions 8)
Barbara Allen
Marc Jonas Block
Ava Dawson
Ahmad Darwish
Alex Fletcher
Ilonka Salisbury
Joe Terranella

Southtown: 10 (# of positions – 9)
Peter Digilio
Dave Evans
Lorena Fortuna
Vinicius Fortuna
Aaron Hamburger
Tommy Nodland
George Ohring
Alfred Plastino
Mona Sen
Steve Silverstein

Octagon: 2 (# of Positions – 5)
Bill Long
Denise Shull
There is still time for other candidates to get in the race. Nominations for RIRA President, Vice President and building delegates are open until October 24. RIRA nomination forms are available online here and at the Public Safety Office, the Public Library and many of the residential buildings. More information on the RIRA election available here.

Also, remember that there can be more nominees than slots allotted for a building. That's what makes it an election. In the event that there are more nominees than slots for a particular building, the candidates with less votes become alternate delegates.

UPDATE 5:20 PM: Mr Hamburger adds:
As of 4 PM today, Thursday, we have one additional candidate:

Lisa Knox from Roosevelt Landings.
and Mr. Katz confirms that he will not be continuing as a RIRA Westview Delegate:
I am running exclusively for RIRA President.  I’m running because I was unhappy and frustrated with the inattention to detail, the sidelining of the elected RIRA delegates to the Common Council, the lack of compliance with the RIRA Constitution and the paucity of innovation that I encountered over the last two years.  I am not anxious to repeat that experience and so, I’m just running for President.  As a RIRA volunteer for thirteen years, and having served the RIRA Common Council and the community in a variety of capacities, I get to do that.

UPDATE 4/23 - Latest RIRA Candidate Nominee Status before October 24 Deadline from Nominations Committee Chairperson Aaron Hamburger:



Frank Farance

Matthew Katz


Ellen Polivy


546 Main: 2 (# of positions - 2)

Dolores Green

Anthony Moran

Roosevelt Landings: 7(# of positions - 7 )

Cynthia Ahn

Ahmad Darwich

Lisa Knox

Linda Maynard-Hall

Joyce Metcheff

Romano Reid

Lorraine Williams

Rivercross; 4 (# of positions – 3)

Marilyn Atkins

Ellen Polivy

Ethel Romm

Don Sememza

Island House: 3 (# of positions – 3)

Helen Chvivas

Frank Farance

Russell Fields

Westview: 3 (# of positions – 3)

Erin Freely-Nahen

Sherie Helstien

Susan Marcus

Manhattan Park:__7 (# of positions 8)

2 River Rd.: 1 (# of positions – 1)

Steve Heller

4 River Rd.: 1 (# of positions – 1)

Jim Bates

Manhattan Park: 7 (# of positions – 8)

Barbara Allen

Marc Jonas Block

Ava Dawson

Alex Fletcher

Neha Kaul

Ilonka Salisbury

Joe Terranella

Southtown: 10 (# of positions – 9)

Peter Digilio

Dave Evans

Lorena Fortuna

Vinicius Fortuna

Aaron Hamburger

Tommy Nodland

George Ohring

Alfred Plastino

Mona Sen

Steve Silverstein

Octagon: 2 (# of Positions – 5)

Bill Long

Denise Shull