Friday, November 19, 2010

Hudson/Related Companies One Of The Two Master Leaseholder Bidders To Take Over Roosevelt Island Main Street Retail Stores - Is Capitalism Finally Finding It's Way To Roosevelt Island

 RIOC President LeslieTorres (left) & RIOC Director Jonathan Kalkin (center) at Real Estate Committee Meeting (public in background)

Updating earlier post on Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Committee Meeting held last Wednesday regarding Main Street Master Leaseholder RFP, I have confirmed that Hudson/Related Companies, developers of the Southtown Riverwalk buildings, are one of the two bidders. David Kramer of the Hudson Companies informed me that the Hudson/Related team has made a bid but declined to reveal specific details, leaving that up to RIOC to decide how and when to make the information public.

It is impossible to make any judgements about the proposed Main Street Master leaseholder without knowing the specific details of any of the bids and who the second bidder is (some members of the public attending the meeting speculated that the second bidder was the Rivercross Co-op, though not confirmed), but it is great news that an experienced and well qualified private sector real estate organization such as Hudson/Related has decided to participate in the process and may eventually take over the Main Street retail corridor from RIOC (a NY State Public Benefit Corporation) which does not have the expertise to be in the retail management business.

The Hudson/Related team did a great job in bringing quality retail services to Roosevelt Island's Riverwalk Commons area with national chain brands Starbucks and Duane Reade as well as local stores such as the Riverwalk Bar & Grill, Nonno's Focacceria and Fuji East Japanese Restaurant.

View Larger Map

It is exciting to think that Hudson/Related, or some other private sector developer might be able to similarly revitalize Roosevelt Island's current Soviet era looking Main Street. Stay tuned - slowly, but surely, Capitalism and the 21st Century are finding their way to Roosevelt Island.

Main Street Image Of Roosevelt Island Is The Village From Glark