Monday, January 3, 2011

Interested In Serving on Roosevelt Island's NYC Community Planning Board 8? If So, Applications Available - Here's How To Apply To Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer's Office

Image of New York City Community Planning Board 8 Logo

Received the following information from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC).
 The Manhattan Borough President's office is currently accepting applications to join your local Community Board (CB). Serving on a Community Board is a great opportunity to shape your neighborhood, improve service delivery, and be at the forefront of community based planning.

More information about CB's and a copy of the 2011 application can be found here ( New applications are due by January 14th, 2010.

Prior to applying, it is recommended that you attend an information session to learn more about the process and applying. The next one is taking place on Thursday, January 6th, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., 1 Centre Street, 19th Floor. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kristen Ellis at Borough President Scott Stringer's office at 212-669-7877 or
Roosevelt Island is represented by Community Planning Board 8. What does a Community Planning Board do? According to Community PlanningBoard 8:
Community Board 8 reviews and makes recommendations on applications for:
  • Zoning Text Amendments

  • Building variances and special permits

  • Liquor licenses

  • Sidewalk cafes

  • Street Fairs

  • Changes to landmarked buildings or buildings in historic districts

  • The Community Board also monitors traffic and transportation issues, capital projects in the parks, economic development, public safety issues and the concerns of seniors and youth. The Community Board and the Board office work closely with city, state and federal elected officials; community groups; and other city agencies on these issues. In addition to the work described above, every Community Board plays a role in the Citywide budget process. Each year, the board submits a "District Statement of Needs." Every Fall, the Budget Committee holds a public hearing to determine our priorities for the City's Capital and Expense Budgets. You are encouraged to attend! The District Statement of Needs is available online here and the Budget Priorities are available in the Board 8 Office.
    Community Planning Board 8 has a Roosevelt Island committee.
    The Roosevelt Island Committee addresses issues facing Roosevelt Island such as the protective seawall on the island and land lease that is held by New York State. This committee meets on an as needed basis