Got Roosevelt Island Bed Bugs? Exterminator Parked Nearby
Uh- Oh - walking past the Blackwell turnaround earlier today, I spotted this Exterminator's Car with the appealing
rear end signage parked across from the Rivercross and Riverwalk buildings. Previous posts have reported on bed bug problems at Rivercross
... A larger discussion took place about the matter of bed bugs reported as being/having been a problem in at least six apartments in the building. It was noted that the bugs are quite mobile, using people as a convenient carrier, as well as finding paths between apartments through holes in the building structure....and Roosevelt Landings/Eastwood but have no confirmed reports from other Roosevelt Island buildings.
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) has even formed a Bed Bug Committee. More on Roosevelt Island bed bugs here.
Have you stopped scratching yet?