Friday, January 7, 2011

Roosevelt Island Youth Program 2011 Basketball Season Starts Next Week - Register, Evaluations, Form Teams Then Play Some Hoops - Clinics For Kids Too, Volunteers Needed

From the Roosevelt Island Youth Program:
Roosevelt Island Youth Program Inc.
Basketball Leagues
and Clinics 2011 
The Roosevelt Island Youth Program Basketball Season start's January 13th, for High School players and Friday, January 14th, for our 11-14 Division teams. We will evaluate and form teams and then away we go with a 10 game schedule and playoffs, the schedule will be posted on this site next week. On Saturday January 15th, we have Coach Tommy back for the 15th year to teach the basics for boy's and girl's ages 6 and 7 from 9:30 am to 11:30 pm  and for the 8 to 10 year old's, 11:30 to 2 pm. We also need volunteers so if your interested, please call the Youth Center at 212-935-3645 or the Beacon at 212-527-2505.
UPDATE 11:45 PM - Click here for Basketball Program Registration Form.