Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Roosevelt Island Board Of Directors Meeting Today At The Manhattan Park Community Center - Make Sure You Sign Up If You Wish To Speak During The Public Comment Period

 Image Of December 2010 RIOC Board Of Directors Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. (RIOC) will be holding it's January 2011 Board of Directors meeting later today, January 19 starting at 5:30 PM. The meeting is being held at the Manhattan Park Community Center instead of the Good Shepherd Community Center.

Prior to the start of the Board meeting there is a period of time for members of the community to comment and ask questions of the Board Members. According to RIOC:
A 30-45 minute public comment period wherein those who sought to address the Board would have pre-registered, with time for any speaker limited to two (2) minutes. Pre-registration would be accomplished by addressing RIOC at its web site or in person at RIOC's office prior to the day of the meeting. Public comment should be for the purpose of receiving comment, not to engage in debate or colloquy with board members. The Chair would control the time and limit for each speaker.

By scheduling the public comment period as above, the town hall style session following alternate Board meetings should be obviated. The RIRA meetings now held the evenings before each Board could function as the equivalent of a town hall meeting, with Board members attending as they wish, but with the expectation that a senior RIOC staff person would also attend to answer questions on Agenda items.
Note that RIOC requires a member of the public to sign up at least a day before the meeting in order to be recognized to speak during the public comment period.  If you have not signed up to speak at the January RIOC Board Meeting yet, and wish to speak, contact the RIOC offices and perhaps they will allow you to do so. During last December's RIOC Board meeting, a person who had not signed up prior to the meeting had her microphone turned off when she tried to speak to the Board during the Public Comment Period. Don't let that happen to you. If you wish to speak, sign up before the meeting.

Below is the Agenda for RIOC's December 2010 Board Of Directors Meeting.

JANUARY 19, 2011
5:30 P.M.1

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes
1. December 15, 2010 Board Meeting (Board Action Required)

IV. Old Business

V. New Business

A. President's Report

1. Authorization to Amend the Contract with Works in Progress Associates for Owner's Representation Services in Connection with the FDR Four Freedoms Park Project (Board Action Required - Materials to Follow )

2. Authorization to Enter into Contract with Malvese Equipment for the Purchase of Skid Steers (Board Action Required)

3. Authorization to Enter into Contract with First Niagara Benefits Consulting for Actuarial Services in Connection with the Financial Reporting of GASB 43 & 45 (Board Action Required)

4. Authorization to Enter into Contract with Sprague Energy Corporation to Purchase Biodiesel Fuel (Board Action Required)

5. Authorization to Enter into Contract with Metro Terminal Corporation to Purchase Gasoline (Board Action Required)

6. Authorization to Amend Contract with Elite Imaging LLC for Document Scanning Services (Board Action Required)

7. Authorization of Modification of the Schedule of the 2011 Regular Meetings of the RIOC Board of Directors (Board Action Required)

8. Presentation of the FY 2010-2011 QTR 3 Procurement Report

9. Committee Reports
a. Audit Committee
b. Governance Committee
c. Operations Advisory Committee
d. Real Estate Development Advisory Committee

10. Public Safety Report

VI. Adjournment

1 The RIOC Board Meeting will commence following a public comment period, which is not a part of the RIOC Board Meeting.