Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Comment Thread On Response To Sunday's Incident.

Several readers have asked for a separate discussion thread to comment on Sunday's post.

 I would like to ask the moderator of this blog to open a new discussion thread on PSD and RIOC performance during this sad event. To be frank, I don't feel comfortable discussing all these valid points on this thread, as some here are trying to mask RIOC and PSD ineeficiency behind the tragedy
Moderator, could you please create another thread to discuss RIOC and PSD. I feel so bad that these two things, the tragedy and PSD/RIOC performance get mixed up here. Thank you!
For any of you who wish to comment on the response to this incident by the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) please use this comment thread. This is a very sensitive subject so please be responsible in your comments or I will delete them.

The tone of some recent comments have been unusually harsh and insulting. Such comments only weaken the argument or point they are trying to make. Please be courteous to other readers no matter how much you disagree and if possible, don't use the anonymous handle but use some sort of consistent identification to your comments - it doesn't have to be your full or even real name. Use your initials, first name, a consistent pseudonym or better still, register through Open ID.

On to substance. I don't know if RIOC's response to Sunday's tragedy was good or not. Were proper emergency protocols followed - don't know and neither does anyone else other than RIOC and NYPD. To find out, yesterday, I sent the following message to RIOC President Leslie Torres and Vice President Of Operations Fernando Martinez seeking a comment:
Does RIOC wish to make any comment regarding the handling of the events following Sunday's tragic death of the 10 River Road Resident who jumped from his balcony and died on Main Street.

For instance, was there any communication between RIOC, Public Safety and the Tram/Subway Station to make sure that riders knew that there was no Red Bus service for most of Sunday afternoon and early evening? Was it possible to have an emergency route on the seawall so that vehicles could access the Octagon during this time?

Who was making decisions for RIOC during this incident? Was Senior Staff notified and making decisions or was it a lower level Public Safety Officer on the scene? I was told that there were only 4 Public Safety Officers on duty at the time. Is that true - were more called in after the incident?

Please let me know if you wish to respond to the handling of yesterday's incident. I plan on publishing post about this tomorrow.
 Have not received any response back.

Earlier that day, I sent this message to Ms. Torres:
A Roosevelt Island resident of 10 River Road jumped off his apartment balcony and landed on Main Street killing himself yesterday after smoking a hallucinogenic drug. Yet, the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Report for yesterday described the incident as

Aided- PSD and NYPD responded to a DOA.

Do you think that is an adequate explanation of the incident? After all, the Daily Public Safety Report is supposed to inform RIOC Senior Staff and the Roosevelt Island community of Public Safety incidents for that day. Merely referring to this incident as responding to a DOA hardly seems like a proper description. While it is true that Chief Guerra provided a written explanation last evening, the Daily Public Safety Report is lacking in description.

Another example of Daily Public Safety reports providing a less than accurate description of events happened on Friday March 4 when there was a large NYFD response to a fire/smoke condition at 2-4 River Road that I posted here.
The Public Safety Report for that day (below) does not appear to include that incident.

0700hrs 03/04/11 - 0700hrs 03/05/11

Disabled Phone- Tenant reports no dial tone, telephone provider will come out.

Aided- Male hurt transported to hospital.

Investigation- Male confused at subway, PSD responded and helped.

Found Property- RIOC bus driver found a credit card, turned it into PSD.

Aided- Male not feeling well, transported to hospital.

Aided- Male not feeling well, transported to hospital.

Aided- male not feeling well, transported to hospital.

Water Leak- Tenant is having pluming problems, UA responded.

Trespass- Male trespassed, PSD issued a summons.

Why would the Daily Public Safety Report fail to describe these incidents clearly and accurately? Can a more complete explanation of Daily Public Safety Events be implemented? The reports can still be brief but provide greater accuracy.

Also, I think it would be helpful in the future for both RIOC Senior Staff and the Roosevelt Island community if the Public Safety reports could include the time and place of incidents.
Have not received a response to this back either.