Roosevelt Island Good Shepherd Plaza Restoration Project Scheduled To Start Thursday, July 28 - Existing Pavers, Light Poles and Drains To Be Removed, New Ones Installed
The Roosevelt Island Good Shepherd Plaza Restoration Project is scheduled to begin on Thursday, July 28. According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
- Phase 1 covering the Southern portion of the Plaza will take place from July 28- September 6
- Phase 2 covering the Northern portion of the Plaza will take place from September 6 - 23
- Phase 3 covering the Eastern sidewalk will take place from September 26- October3
- Removal and disposal of existing concrete and brick pavers, light poles and trench drains.
- Excavation and disposal for installation of new pavement sub-base.
- Installation of new precast concrete unit pavers and concrete curbs and sidewalks
- Installation of new trench drains with connection to existing storm drainage system
- Relocation of existing planters, benches and signs
- Installation of new light poles and extension of existing electrical service
View Larger Map of Good Shepherd Plaza