Monday, July 25, 2011

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Chairperson Darryl Towns Arrested For Driving While Intoxicated

The NY Times reported on July 22:

The New York State housing commissioner, Darryl C. Towns, was arrested over the Fourth of July weekend on a charge of driving while intoxicated after he crashed his car in Westchester County, the police said....
The entire article is here.

Mr. Towns is also the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Chairperson.

RIOC Board Chair Darryl Towns, (on left)  RIOC President Torres & CEO Chirois on Roosevelt Island Tram


Guest said...

I have long wondered if there is mandatory testing on members of RIOC and the staff for drinking or drugs? I think it should be a rule for anyone  and ALL  working on this island for RIOC , and are they bondable? 

Guest said...

What that guy does outside his official work hours is irrelevant and has no impact on his work performance.

Safe Driver said...

This was a one-car incident; only the individual driving was shaken up and minor auto damage.

What if the consequences of his carelessness were more severe?

Guest said...

his lifestyle and if he or anyone that is on the staff of RIOC sure has heck has an impact on how he or whomever is drinking or on drugs at ANY time does their job!  How can you say that!  All Fortune 500 companies or any prominent company does drug testing and also if the person is bondable and a background and credit check.

Also hiring friends, relatives etc... should be a conflict of interest as well.

what rock did you crawl out from under and who do you want handling the money here and watching over the people and children here? 

Guest said...

Dude, in my world there is the time I spend at work and there is time I spend outside work. I can manage to keep those two separate. Who cares that the Fortune 500 do drug testing etc.? It may be that this is the norm in this country but I still think it is f'ed up. Fact is that what I do on my own private time has absolutely nothing to do with what I do on company time. End of story. I am glad that I work for an employer that respects this difference.

User111yankees96 said...

ron vass should have been tested 5 years ago when he sold out the  working people of eastwood

Thats It the Head fell OFF said...

why is this news worthy?

everyone makes a mistake. he could be just over the legal limit of .080. for plenty of people, that doesnt even make you dizzy let alone drunk.

i believe this is an isolated incident and let the man be. what he does on his own time, as long as its not pedophiling, raping, killing, drugging, or beating his wife, its his business.

if he made a mistake, im sure he learned from it by this incident.

Roozevelt said...

First of all drinking alcohol and using drugs are 2 different things.  One is legal & one is not.  Do not lump them together.  No corporation tests for drinking, and no corporation will even fire anyone who admits to having a drinking problem - they get help for them.  Secondly, there is drug testing for RIOC and all State employees.  Mr. Towns did not fail a drug test.  Nor was he convicted of anything.  He allegedly was over the driving limit.  Not really news worthy to me.  

Roozevelt said...

First of all drinking alcohol and using drugs are 2 different things.  One is legal & one is not.  Do not lump them together.  No corporation tests for drinking, and no corporation will even fire anyone who admits to having a drinking problem - they get help for them.  Secondly, there is drug testing for RIOC and all State employees.  Mr. Towns did not fail a drug test.  Nor was he convicted of anything.  He allegedly was over the driving limit.  Not really news worthy to me.  

Guest said...

both are drugs

he did fail a DRUG test after crashing his car, and is luck he did not kill anyone in doing so...getting behind the wheel of a car after drinking or on any mind altering drug is against the law. If he had killed or injured your child or wife, I think you would be saying different. If you drink, you take a cab, or get someone else to drive...poor judgement could have killed another life.

Guest said...

so you drink and then drive a car in your private life?  Is that ok? Getting behind the wheel of a car drunk is just like giving someone a gun and saying just start shooting. 

holding a public positoin of any kind comes with you understand what that word means? Not going to ask what you do for a living, or what your career, or job is. Not interested...and you sure as heck are not interested in someone on the board of this island that is not smart enough to call a cab instead of getting behind a 2 ton machine while drunk. 

Guest said...

how many times has this happened? do you know? how do you know he or others on the board do not do all the things you mentioned? public office is just that, PUBLIC office...driving a car drunk or while or after drinking is giving someone a weapon while they are impared. 

Very dangerous, and any of you that do not know that, really have nothing important to say at any rate. 

Gatsy said...

If my private life interferes with my professional life then, yes, it should have consequences and I should get disciplined, i.e. fired or what not. But just because I drank too much on a Saturday and drove my car and totaled it has absolutely nothing to do what I do on my job the next Monday.

You don't seem to agree that personal and professional lives should be kept separate. Pretty much something similar to guilty until proven innocent. Just because that guy made a mistake outside work he should be punished in an entirely different context.

Gutsy said...

You seem confused. Nobody here made a case that driving while intoxicated is a good thing or that smoking pod in front of your customers will do any good for the company you work for.

The point is that whatever that guy did while off-duty has nothing to do with his job at RIOC. There is really nothing more to add to this.

Guest said...

Public office is that, PUBLIC OFFICE ....over the 4th of July weekend? Please, who does that? A 17 year old that had too much beer at a cookout? The bad judgment and total abuse, and just stupdityi of driving after drinking anything other than Iced Tea that day  should have serious punishment and they should hire someone else while that man does community service to make up for putting the public's life on the line.

Guest said...

I have really a hard time how you justify the connection from what he does in his private time and what he does on public time. Public office does not mean that somebody is accountable to the public 24/7. They have a private life as well.