On Way To Work At Roosevelt Island, RIOC Employee Sees Something, Says Something and Arrests Are Made
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Community Relations Specialist Erica Spencer-El reports today on the good deed accomplished by one of her RIOC colleagues. From Ms. Spencer-El:
I wanted to share a recent incident that occurred on the island and the remarkable action taken by one of my fellow co-workers in response to witnessing the event:The Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation would like to praise a member of its staff, Rudy Rajaballey, whose quick actions in notifying the Public Safety Department upon observing that something did not quite look right, led to the arrest of two off-islanders.While coming to work this morning, Rudy noticed two men loading scrap metal into a Burgundy work-van from beneath the Motorgate Garage. He had seen this same van parked in the entranceway of the bottom level just the day before. His knowledge that the materials being loaded into the van belonged to the Corporation was vital in recognizing that a crime was being committed. Rudy immediately called PSD and the two men were apprehended and placed under arrest. They are being charged with Burglary, Grand Larceny and Criminal Trespass.The men under arrest indicated that the 5 metal doors and pipes (valued at over $1,000) were going to be sold at a scrap yard. Our thanks go out to Rudy for his keen observation and speedy response in notifying PSD. He definitely followed the saying, "If you see something, say something."